
  1. 马站了起来,摇摆着身体;

    The horses in the courtyard stood up and shook themselves .

  2. 那些马站在一起,嗖嗖地甩动尾巴驱赶苍蝇。

    The horses stood together swishing their tails because of the flies .

  3. 马站在大车车辕中间。

    The horse stood between the shafts of the carriage .

  4. 邦内尔家房前,年老的阿莫斯拉着一匹驾辕的马站在那里,他瞪着一双骨碌碌的眼睛招呼思嘉。

    In front of the Bonnell house , old Amos stood holding the head of the carriage horse and he greeted Scarlett with rolling eyes .

  5. 马可以站着睡觉也可以躺着睡觉。

    Horses can sleep standing up or lying down .

  6. 我可以让马西斯站在我们这边

    I can get Mathis in line .

  7. 一个马人站在他的身边,不是罗南,也不是贝恩,这个马人显得更年轻些。

    A centaur was standing over him , not Ronan or Bane ; this one looked younger ;

  8. 对湖北省马良烟站建立的烟叶自动化控制收购系统的作业流程和系统特点进行了介绍。

    The working procedure and characteristics of automatic tobacco purchase system in Maliang tobacco station of Hubei province were introduced .

  9. 主要介绍以羊八岭站至马乡站区段为代表的长大坡道上架梁的施工情况。

    This paper mainly introduces the construction along the section from Yangbaling Station to Maxiang Station on long heavy down grade .

  10. 江汉油田马36站现场使用的破乳剂已难以保证40℃原油脱水的要求,造成外输油含水偏高,脱出污水含油超标等问题。

    Demulsifiers used in the No. 36 station of Jianghan Oilfield were difficult to meet the demand of demulsification and dehydration for crude oil at 40 ℃ .

  11. 我妈妈和另一匹老马正站在附近。他们发现了一只野免,妈妈说,如果他们往这边来,我们就能看到这场狩猎。

    My mother and another old horse were standing near . 'They 've found a hare , 'said my mother , 'and if they come this way , we shall see the hunt . '

  12. 我妈妈和另一匹老马正站在附近。“他们发现了一只野免,”妈妈说,“如果他们往这边来,我们就能看到这场狩猎。”

    My mother and another old horse were standing near . 'They 've found a hare , 'said my mother , 'and if they come this way , we shall see the hunt . '

  13. 通往新深路及落马洲管制站的天桥。

    San Sham Road and Lok Ma Chau control point .

  14. 马铁大水坑站位于锦泰苑对开马鞍山路中央铁路专用范围。

    MOS Rail 's Tai Shui Hang Station will be located in the Central Railway Reserve Area of Ma On Shan Road opposite Kam Tai Court .

  15. 我只希望马大爷能够站出来然后承认他已经老了,不想再写《冰火》系列了。

    I just wish the guy would just come out and say that he 's getting old and doesn 't really feel like writing ASOAIF any longer .

  16. 面向马的反方向站好。

    Stand facing the opposite direction from the horse .

  17. 马岩洞水电站采取高坝、引水式开发。

    Mayantong Hydropower Station will be exploited by taking high dam and diversion way .

  18. 马绊倒后又站起来了。

    The horse recovered itself after stumble .

  19. 其他的马正舒适地站着或躺在地板上、毯子上。

    Other horses were sitting or lying comfortably on the floor , on clean blankets .

  20. 而他的马则日复一日地站在他家光秃秃的马厩里,在饥饿与寒冷中瑟瑟发抖。

    And day after day his horse stood in his bare stall , hungry and shivering with cold .

  21. 如果说真的有一个阿拉伯的奥运会,一个马会骄傲地站在装饰着黄金和橄榄枝花环中间平台。

    If ever there were an Arabian Olympics , one horse would stand proudly on the middle platform decorated with the gold and an olive branch wreath .

  22. 马铁马鞍山站位于马鞍山广场及新港城中心之间的西沙路中央铁路专用范围。

    MOS rail 's Ma On Shan station will be located in the central railway reserve area of Sai Sha Road between Ma On Shan Plaza and sunshine city plaza .

  23. 要抬起马的前蹄,面向马的反方向站好。

    To pick up a front foot , stand facing the opposite direction from the horse .