
qián xī
  • eve
前夕 [qián xī]
  • (1) [eve]

  • (2) 假日、圣诞节或任何重大节日之前的晚上或白天

  • (3) 某一特殊事件即将发生的时期

  • 处于理论上和文化上巨大发展的前夕

前夕[qián xī]
  1. 在投票前夕,竞选活动如火如荼。

    On the eve of the poll , campaigning was bitter .

  2. 独立战争前夕,北美十三州每年生产3万吨生铁。

    On the eve of the Revolution , the colonies produced thirty thousand tons of crude iron a year .

  3. 圣诞节前夕,广告攻势达到了高潮。

    The advertising campaign reached a crescendo just before Christmas .

  4. 这家酒吧已获准在圣诞前夕延长营业时间。

    The pub had an extension on Christmas Eve .

  5. 暴风雨前夕云层集结。

    Cloulds gather before a storm .

  6. 许多政党在大选前夕转向中间立场。

    Political parties often move to the centre just before an election .

  7. 玩具销售额在圣诞节前夕达到最高峰。

    Toy sales peaked lust before christmas .

  8. 毕业前夕,学生们紧张地准备考试。

    As graduation day drew near , the students were all anxiously preparing for their final exams .

  9. 新年前夕,俄罗斯人保持着世界上最晚的就寝时间记录——大约在凌晨3:30。

    On New Year 's Eve , Russians have the world 's latest bedtime , hitting the hay at around 3:30 a.m.

  10. 雨季前夕,我们要加固河坝。

    We should reinforce the river embankment before the wet season .

  11. 因此,如果你在求职面试前夕感觉特别焦虑,那么就不要奇怪你的潜意识唤醒了那个数学考试的可怕旧梦。

    So , if you 're feeling extra anxious in the days leading up to a job interview , don 't be surprised if your subconscious13 revives that old math test nightmare .

  12. Chinesesummary:这是一个以第二次世界大战作景的爱情故事,发生在法国被德军占领的前夕。

    It is a period love story , which takes place on the eve of the German occupation .

  13. 原因是直到听证会召开前夕,中国方面才不情不愿地交出了东南融通(LongtopFinancialTechnologies)的审计工作底稿。

    That is because just before the hearing the CSRC coughed up the working papers on Longtop financial technologies .

  14. 因此,在中国加入WTO的前夕,对开放经济下企业横向兼并中的问题进行较为系统的研究,显然具有重要的理论意义与现实价值。

    Therefore , before China join WTO , it has important theoretic significance and great practical value to systematically study horizontal merger under open economy .

  15. 在假期购物季节前夕,苹果公司新发布一款更轻更薄的平板电脑——iPadAir和新一款苹果电脑。

    Apple unveiled a new thinner lighter tablet called the " iPad Air " and new Macs ahead of the holiday shopping season .

  16. 国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)在2009年2月访华前夕证实了这一态度。

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confirmed as much on the eve of her visit to China in February 2009 .

  17. 这种乱糟糟的局面本身就很不利,而且恰恰是通用汽车在申请ipo前夕不想看到的。

    This shambles is not only bad in itself but is exactly what GM did not need on the eve of its IPO filing .

  18. 昨天,在峰会前夕,就全球经济失衡和国际货币基金组织(IMF)改革问题产生的紧张态势突显出,随着金融危机逐渐褪色,维系国际政策协作有多么困难。

    Eve-of-summit tension over global economic imbalances and International Monetary Fund reform yesterday highlighted the difficulty of sustaining international policy co-ordination as the financial crisis fades .

  19. 就在两家公司合并计划最终敲定前夕,沪港通(Shanghai-HongKongStockConnect)机制启动,股价因此被推上新高。

    It was spurred to new heights by the launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme just as the two companies ' merger plans were finalised .

  20. 在g8峰会召开前夕发表的这份报告,批评东道主日本以及德国、意大利没有批准《联合国反腐败公约》(unitednationsconventionagainstcorruption)。

    The report , released on the eve of the G8 summit , criticises host Japan as well as Germany and Italy for not ratifying the United Nations Convention against corruption .

  21. 4月份二十国集团(G20)峰会召开前夕,欧盟和韩国的外交官们已准备取得一个突破。

    On the eve of April 's G20 summit in London , diplomats from the European Union and South Korea were poised for a breakthrough .

  22. 2007年,尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)当选法国总统后,任命拉加德为财政部长当时正是金融危机爆发前夕。

    In 2007 , when Nicolas Sarkozy became president , he named her finance minister just on the eve of the financial crisis .

  23. 奥运会召开前夕,北京的酒店入住率一直不高,根据跟踪酒店趋势的STRGlobal的数据,北京酒店7月的入住率降至不到60%。

    Beijing hotel occupancy was struggling in the run-up to the Olympics , levels in July falling to less than 60 per cent , according to STR Global , which monitors hotel trends .

  24. 本实验结果说明:(1)在FSH、LH、E2、T的分泌高峰到来前夕开始针刺可以有效地抑制这些激素的分泌。

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) It had effective inhibitory effect on serum FSH , LH , E2 and T to acupuncture on the eve of peak of those hormone .

  25. 全球股市以及欧元汇率周四下跌,核心国债价格走高,在周五中国公布第二季度国内生产总值(GDP)数据前夕,人们对全球经济增长的担忧加剧。

    Global equities and the euro lost ground and core government bonds pushed higher as worries about global growth came to the fore ahead of the release today of Chinese second-quarter gross domestic product figures .

  26. BBC新闻的休·斯科菲尔德报道,载有上百名乘客的火车撞上了站台,事故发生在法国重要的周末假期前夕。

    The BBC 's Hugh Schofield reports the train crashed into a station while carrying hundreds of passengers on the eve of a major holiday weekend .

  27. 布什是在八国集团(g8)峰会前夕说这番话的,预计在此次峰会上,气候变化问题将列为欧洲政府的重要议程。

    The US president was speaking just ahead of a G8 summit at which climate change was expected to be high on the agenda of European governments .

  28. 奥地利ORF广播公司委托制作了这部名为《维也纳奇迹》的纪录片,并在决赛阶段前夕播出,吸引了大批电视观众。

    Austrian broadcaster ORF commissioned the film'The Miracle of Vienna'and screened it on the eve of the finals , attracting a large television audience .

  29. 在自传出版前夕,或许是为了刺激销量,迪克切尼(DickCheney)预言他的书会激怒整个华盛顿。

    In the days before his autobiography was published , perhaps to pump up sales , Dick Cheney predicted that his book would have heads exploding all over Washington .

  30. 因此我将在欧盟理事会召开前夕,与欧洲各国领导人合作,推进我们在20国(g20)集团峰会上做出的决定,并更加专注于全欧洲的增长战略。

    So I will be working with European leaders in advance of the European Council to advance on our decisions at the group of 20 with a more focused Europe-wide strategy for growth .