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dēng yóu
  • lamp-oil;kerosene;paraffin oil
灯油 [dēng yóu]
  • [lamp-oil] 点灯用的油,通常多指煤油

灯油[dēng yóu]
  1. 这个甲虫灯油六种不同颜色的包膜科研选择,还有白色或者红色的LED灯。

    The Beetle is available in6 different housing colors and in white or red LED models .

  2. 一盏灯烧了起来却没有灯芯也没有灯油。

    A lamp burns and has neither wick nor oil .

  3. 灯油被火烧尽,则是基于它燃烧自己照亮别人的特性。

    The oil of lamp is worn out because it burns itself to illuminate other .

  4. 假若信心之光,因灯油将尽而暗淡

    And if perchance , Faith 's light is dim , because the oil is low

  5. 灯油,为制傅礼的油和焚香用的香料。

    And oil to maintain lights , and to make ointment , and most sweet incense .

  6. 我比同伴们聪明,因为我花在灯油上的钱比他们落的酒钱还多。

    I became wiser than my companions because I spent more in oil than they in wine .

  7. 为表示对圣僧的敬意,他带来了果汁、鲜花和灯油。

    He brought fruit drinks , flowers and lamp oil , in honor of the visiting holy man .

  8. 夜的守护者将以灯油注满它并把它点亮。

    And the guardian of the night shall fill it with oil and he shall light it also .

  9. 每当捕到一头大鲸鱼,爱斯基摩人就可得到全村人享用的食物和灯油。

    The killing of a big whale gives them feasts and an abundance of oil for the lamps of a whole village , and there is great rejoicing .

  10. 每一只灯有一个装满了灯油和水的浅碟和一个漂浮的灯芯,用长长的金属链从天花板垂下。

    Each lamp held a saucer filled with oil and water and a floating wick , and was suspended from the ceiling by means of long metal chains .

  11. 你可以把油灯扔在地上,然后点燃灯油,这会使得地面燃烧,造成火焰伤害。

    You can knock oil lamps to the ground or set fire to oil , which will then cause the ground to burn , and deal fire damage .

  12. 史特灵引擎是利用固定容积气体的冷点(常是室温)热点(常利用加热灯油或酒精)循环地做拉回与前推的动作。

    The Stirling engine contains a fixed amount of gas that is transferred back and forth between a " cold " end ( often room temperature ) and a " hot " end ( often heated by a kerosene or alcohol burner ) .

  13. 当代家族小说的悲剧性审美格调是透过生存之苦和绝望体验,灯油耗尽和大限将至,最后一个拯救者出场,命运轮回和历史循环等方式呈现的。

    The contemporary family novels present their tragical aesthetical pattern in the ways of " the hardship of living and desperate experience "," the fading away of life "," the showing up of the last savior "," the cycle of destiny and history " and so on .