
  • 网络Genie;Djinn
  1. 灯神的生活并不像看起来那么神奇

    Life as a genie is not as magical as it may appear .

  2. 你是个聪明人灯神

    You are a man of wisdom , genie .

  3. 我做灯神的这些年里实现过一千零一个愿望

    In my time , I have granted 1001 wishes ,

  4. 顷刻间灯神就抱着熟睡的公主回来了。

    In a second the jinnee was back with the Princess asleep in his arms .

  5. 你召唤了阿格拉巴灯神

    You awakened the Genie of Agrabah .

  6. 我做这盏神灯的灯神的时间远比你的生命要长

    I have served as Genie of the lamp for longer than you 've been alive .

  7. 最终,他给了灯神自由,并与茉莉公主幸福的生活在了一起。

    Eventually , he grants the genie his freedom and lives happily ever after with Jasmine .

  8. 这是,一名灯神出现了。

    Out comes a genie .

  9. 她又闭上眼睛,灯神重又把她带回到苏丹的宫里。

    She closed her eyes again , then the jinnee carried her back to the Sultan 's palace .

  10. “我不理解你的做法”,灯神表示。“为什么你会要中国军队三次入侵波兰?”

    " I don 't understand ," says the genie . " Why did you want the Chinese army to invade Poland three times ?"

  11. 当阿拉丁发现了一个神灯并释放出了里面的具有神奇魔力的灯神。他许愿变成了一位王子,这样就可以迎娶茉莉公主并打败了邪恶的魔法师。

    When Aladdin finds a magic lamp and unleashes the charismatic genie within , he wishes to become a prince so he can romance Jasmine and outsmart the evil Jafar .

  12. 在长达数世纪的与其蓝皮肤表亲的战争中,哈费尔对灯神的恨意与日俱增,但他对灯神的了解也超过任何其他火怪。

    Hafir developed an intense hatred for genies after centuries of battling his blue cousins , but he 's also developed a reputation for knowing them better than any other efreet .

  13. 奇怪的决定,灯神想到,但他仍然满足了这个愿望。中国军队从四面八方涌来,入侵波兰,然后回家了。

    Odd choice , the genie thinks , but nevertheless he grants the wish , and the Chinese Army comes all the way from China , invades , and goes back home .

  14. 灯神彻夜忙碌。第二天一早,苏丹就看到窗外建起了一座崭新漂亮的宫殿,周围的花园里栽满了果树和鲜花。

    The jinnee of the lamp worked all night , and the next morning the Sultan saw from his window a beautiful new palace , with gardens of fruit trees and flowers .

  15. 这个要求对于灯神来说当然是太容易了。第二天,当阿拉丁往宫里去的时候,城里所有的人都出来观看。

    This was easy for the jinnee of the lamp , of course , and the next day , when Aladdin went to the palace , everybody in the city came out to watch .

  16. 神的灯在神耶和华殿内约柜那里,还没有熄灭,撒母耳已经睡了。

    The lamp of God had not yet gone out , and Samuel was lying down in the temple of the LORD , where the ark of God was .

  17. 灯代表着神与他儿子耶稣的光。

    The lamp represents the light of God and his son Jesus .

  18. 又有七盏火灯在宝座前点著,这七灯就是神的七灵。

    And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne , which are the seven Spirits of God ;