
zhēn yán
  • Proverbs;motto;maxim;admonition;exhortation
箴言 [zhēn yán]
  • (1) [admonition]∶规劝的话

  • (2) [Proverbs]∶《圣经.旧约》中的一卷书

箴言[zhēn yán]
  1. 我相信这样一条箴言:“不破不修”。

    I believe in the maxim ' if it ain 't broke , don 't fix it ' .

  2. 第四条箴言:职业生涯开发与管理讲求的是:只要开始,永远不晚;只要进步,总有空间。

    The fourth maxim : career development and management require that : if only start , never be late ; if only getting progress , always having space .

  3. 部分内容是箴言式的、概要性的,其余部分将分析Unix开发中的具体案例。

    Some parts are aphoristic and general , others will examine specific case studies in Unix development .

  4. -唱红歌、读经典、讲故事、传箴言

    Singing revolutionary songs , Reading classic books , Telling stories , Spreading mottos

  5. 戴维向他滔滔不绝地谈那些当时有争论的问题和上帝的箴言。

    Davie poured forth his eloquence upon the controversies and testimonies of the day .

  6. “思考”是IBM所信奉最早的箴言,它在这里仍然具有无比强大的功能。

    " Think " is IBM 's oldest motto , and it is still a very powerful one .

  7. 来看下五位世界商业顶尖CEO会给你哪些箴言。

    Read on to see the greatest career advice from five of today 's top CEOs in the business world .

  8. 直到不久前,对于薪资丰厚的英国CEO而言,一句颇有道理的箴言是团结让我们屹立,分开让我们上升。

    Until recently , a good motto for the well-paid British chief executive would have been united we stand , divided we rise .

  9. 乌干达《箴言报》(DailyMonitor)执行主编丹尼尔•卡利纳吉(DanielKalinaki)表示,“美国对治理的关注是出尔反尔的,随着其自身利益的变化而变化”。

    The US focus on governance is " inconsistent and shifts with its interests , " said Daniel Kalinaki , managing editor of Uganda 's Daily Monitor newspaper .

  10. 他们认同教皇约翰二十三世(PopeJohnXXIII)的箴言:“不要度过人生长河而不留下值得追忆的证据。”

    They agree with Pope John XXIII 's advice : " Do not walk through time without leaving worthy evidence of your passage . "

  11. 然而在将来,或许用得上里根(ronaldreagan)修改的俄罗斯箴言:信任,但要核查。

    In future , however , the wise Russian proverb adopted by Ronald Reagan may come to apply : " trust , but verify " .

  12. 接下来,让增长率逐渐成为个体公民行为的附带结果,如此一来,人们也就无需因为亚里士多德(Aristotle)或是其他任何人关于美好生活的箴言而感到烦恼了。

    Then let the growth rate emerge as a byproduct of the activities of individual citizens , who do not need to be hectored with quotations on the good life from Aristotle or anyone else .

  13. 这样的“日本精益之旅”由一些管理人士和教育家在二十世纪90年代发起,也是践行了精益的箴言“到现场去(GototheGenba)”,也就是前往工作真正得以完成的地方。

    Such " Lean Japan Tours " have been made by managers and educators since the1990 's , applying the lean aphorism : " Go to the Gemba "( go to where the work is being done ) .

  14. 如今,官司已了结,他的37岁孙子罗正杰(BoscoLaw,上图)作为家族所有的小型企业集团、业务涵盖服装制造、零售和房地产的罗氏集团(Lawsgroup)的行政总裁,正试图践行上述关于谨慎为人处世的箴言。

    Now , with the row settled , his 37-year-old grandson Bosco Law is trying to live out the exhortation to cautious living in his role as chief executive of Lawsgroup , the family 's mini-conglomerate , which spans clothes manufacturing , retail and property .

  15. 有些人认为“保持勇气,保持善良”这句箴言让灰姑娘显得像个反对女权主义的胆小鬼,布拉纳把这句话和小马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKingJr.)、纳尔逊·曼德拉(NelsonMandela)与圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)的非暴力抵抗相提并论。

    As for " have courage and be kind , " the mantra that some have suggested reduces Cinderella to an anti-feminist milquetoast , Mr. Branagh likened it to the nonviolent resistance of Martin Luther King Jr. , Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi .

  16. 习语短语makeamockeryof(phrasalverb)嘲笑;把…作为笑料;愚弄hearout(phrasalverb)听某人说完他想说的whatevs'随便(常暗示不感兴趣)onthewrongtrack(idiom)南辕北辙大错特错motto座右铭;格言;箴言

    New words : don 't take something seriously at all , ridicule it listen to someone , consider their idea whatever ( short slang form ) ( expression of disinterest ) having the wrong idea , approaching something the wrong way something someone says to motivate him / herself , or a company motto

  17. 对每一位哈利波特的影迷来说,这或许是句箴言。

    Words that probably ring true for every Harry Potter fan .

  18. “顾客永远是对的”的箴言显而易见

    Evident in the adage ," the customer is always right "

  19. 爱,信仰,生活,是我给你的箴言。

    Love faith live are my words of wisdom for you .

  20. 箴言英译

    A Brief Discussion on Translation of Mottoes from Chinese to English

  21. 她是多么完美的诠释了学校的箴言。

    And how she embodied pirate pride and the school motto .

  22. 大卫的儿子,以色列王所罗门的箴言。

    The proverbs of Solomon son of David , king of Israel .

  23. 这些话着实应该作为箴言写进作家协会的徽章。

    Those words should be on the Authors Guild coat of arms .

  24. 她站在我的面前,对我说了几句箴言

    She is standing right in front of me speaking words of wisdom

  25. 这句话将会成为我的个人箴言。

    This line is about to become my personal mantra .

  26. 我还应该传达点什么其他的人生箴言吗?

    What other pearls of wisdom should I pass along ?

  27. 孩子的玩具及老者的箴言

    The child 's toys and the old man 's reasons

  28. 与你的青春期孩子早餐学习圣经《箴言》的智慧。

    Do a Proverbs breakfast Bible study with your teens .

  29. 这是我们所有人一个伟大的箴言。

    That 's a great motto for all of us .

  30. 从他的职业生涯来看,这条箴言似乎行得通。

    Based on his career , the mantra seems to have worked .
