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  • physique;build
体魄 [tǐ pò]
  • [physique;build] 体格和精力

  • 强壮的体魄

体魄[tǐ pò]
  1. 要锻炼强健的体魄,培养良好的心理素质。

    Third , we must exercise strong physique , good psychological quality .

  2. 而良好的身体素质和体魄来源于长期坚持不懈的体育锻炼。

    And good physical fitness and physique from the long-term persistence of physical exercise .

  3. 华盛顿看上去是个典型的体魄强健、崇尚运动的人。

    Washington looks like a poster boy for strength and athleticism .

  4. 一直有人鼓励她去游泳以强健体魄。

    She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles

  5. 穿着合适的鞋子和衣服,再加上健康的体魄,情况会大不相同。

    Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference

  6. 他有非常健康的体魄。

    He is blessed with excellent health .

  7. 他是个身材高大、体魄健壮、相貌粗犷英俊的男子。

    He is a tall , virile man with rugged good looks .

  8. 凯特曼表示,此举不仅能使人增强体魄、还有益于环境,而且比那些较为激进的做法更容易做到。

    Kateman says the move not only boosts health , but benefits the environment - and is easier to achieve than the more radical options .

  9. 我哥哥是一名消防员,他需要保持强壮的体魄来完成他的工作,所以他常去健身房举重锻炼。

    My brother is a firefighter2 and he needs to stay strong for his job , so pumps a lot of iron in the gym .

  10. 当你「锻链」身体(physicalworkout)时,你是以运动来培养你的体魄,而不是去得到一个身体。

    During a physical " workout ," you exercise to develop your body , not to get a body .

  11. 不是漂亮的外表,强健的体魄,也不是很高的IQ,它是毅力。

    It wasn 't good looks , physical health , and it wasn 't I.Q. It was grit .

  12. 安克的生活或许因冒险而精彩——在一篇刊登在《国家地理》杂志(NationalGeographic)上的文章中,他绘声绘色地描述了自己的冒险经历。但他的日常工作有赖于健康的体魄,这反过来需要日常锻炼。

    Anker may thrive on risk , which he vividly describes in this article forNational Geographic , but his day job depends on staying fit , which in turn requires a routine .

  13. 然而,健康的体魄起源于健康的心态,Heidi和另两位与她联手始创SanctusStones的澳大利亚合伙人从心底认同和分享这一理念。

    But a healthy body starts with a healthy mind , this idea wholeheartedly shared by Heidi and her2 Australian partners who have joined forces in the creation of a unique new company Sanctus Stones .

  14. 据统一党企业部发言人LeoVaradkar说,希望在新的一年里保持健康体魄的人应该仔细阅读体育馆和健身中心的规定条款,因为许多条款不公平。

    Those hoping to get fit in the new year should carefully read the terms of conditions of gyms and fitness centres as many of them are unfair , according to Fine Gael enterprise spokesman Leo Varadkar .

  15. 1944年的奥运会之所以会举行,是因为波兰士兵想保持健康的体魄,同时也是为了纪念波兰运动员加努茨·库索辛斯基(JanuszKusocinski),他在1932年奥运会上夺得万米长跑冠军。

    The 1944 Olympics was held because the Polish soldiers wanted to remain fit and , at the same time , honor Janusz Kusocinski , a Polish athlete who won the 10000-meter race in the 1932 Olympics .

  16. 我爱阳光,它能温暖我的体魄;

    I will love the sun for it warms my bones ;

  17. 没有健康的体魄,我们就无法很好地学习和工作。

    We can 't study or work well without healthy body .

  18. 健康的体魄比一顶金王冠更有价值。

    A good healthy body is worth more than a crown .

  19. 体育锻炼可使我们有机会强健体魄。

    Physical recreation affords us the opportunities to strengthen our bodies .

  20. 拥有健康的体魄比对收入和其他物质的追求还重要。

    Possessing sound health outweighs incomes and other material pursuits .

  21. 我们是您强健体魄的专家。

    We are experts in building up a strong and healthy body .

  22. 我们需要健康的体魄和充沛的精力,才能完成我们的学业;

    We need good health and abundant energy to complete our studies ;

  23. 参加体育活动能帮助你保持健壮的体魄。

    To go in for sports helps you stay fit .

  24. 你还为没有一个健康的体魄而心烦意乱吗?

    You also do not have a healthy body and upset you ?

  25. 同国王一样,他生就一副健壮的体魄。

    Like the king he had a rich physical gift .

  26. 要保持健康的体魄,你必须多做运动。

    To stay fit , you need to exercise more .

  27. 要想拥有一副强健的体魄没有捷径可走。

    There is no shortcut to having a healthy body .

  28. 同时他应该有强健的体魄和良好的精神状态。

    Also he should be physically strong and mentally sound .

  29. 他们通常有非常强健的体魄,并且很活跃。

    They also have a strong build and like to stay active .

  30. 为自己健康的体魄感到高兴,因为健康容易很快消逝。

    Rejoice in your health . It fades fast .