
  • 网络Body fragrance;body note
  1. 选择与你的体香完全相配的香味。

    Select a fragrance that blends perfectly with your natural scent .

  2. 那是你自带的体香吗

    Is that your natural pheromone that you sprayed ?

  3. 哦,那他们有生产两吨装的体香棒么?

    Oh , do they make two-ton sticks ?

  4. 我闻到了体香剂的味道。

    I can smell the AXE body spray .

  5. 抗汗剂/体香剂产品市场趋势

    Antiperspirant / deodorant product market trend

  6. 论述了消费者对抗汗剂/体香剂产品的需求。

    The needs of the consumer to the development of the antiperspirant / deodorant are related .

  7. 谁需要五瓶几乎用完的体香剂?你是购物狂吗?

    Who needs five almost empty Speed stick deodorants ? What are you , a crazy bag man ?

  8. 美酒必须拥有美丽女子的三样美德:姣好的面容,醉人的体香,美丽的嘴。(西班牙谚语)

    A wine must have three garments of a beautiful woman : Good face , good scent and good mouth .

  9. 美拉德反应产物不仅是酒体香和味的微量物质,同时也是其他香味物质的前驱物质。

    The reaction products of maillard reaction are not only trace substances of liquor body flavor but also the predecessor of other flavoring substances .

  10. 根据红茶的香味特点,介绍了如何运用不同香韵的单体香原料调配出红茶香精的过程。

    According to fragrance characteristics of black tea , the process that using monadic perfume base of different note to make black tea essence would introduced .

  11. 据说乔布斯是几近严格的素食主义者,他认为干净的饮食使他不需要使用体香剂或是频繁洗澡。

    A near vegan , it has also been said that Jobs thought his clean diet prevented him from needing to wear deodorant or take regular showers .

  12. 那样你就好好习惯农场仔的体香吧,我要关掉车门,然后扔了钥匙

    In that case , get used to that farm-boy aroma , ' cause I 'm gonna shut this door , we 're gonna lose the key .

  13. 英国直线保险公司已经着手准备,通过给通勤者递送解压包裹,替他们“解决”交通烦心事儿,包裹里有体香剂、芳香喷雾和瓶装水。

    Insurance firm Direct Line has set about ' fixing ' commuters ' travel-related problems by sending them stress-relief packages complete with deodorant , scented sprays and bottled water .

  14. 雀巢出售单份装的速溶咖啡和汤块;联合利华则以小袋装的体香剂和洗发水来吸引消费者;还有些制造商在出售3片装的纸尿裤。

    Nestl é sells single servings of instant coffee and stock cubes ; Unilever tempts with sachets of deodorant and shampoo ; several manufacturers sell nappies in packs of three .

  15. 体香剂制造商美之泉针对2016名英国女性进行了调查,结果发现,大多数的污染物质都是由每天早晨喷香水、拍乳液、涂口红的女性自己造成的。

    The poll of2,016 women by deodorant-maker Bionsen said most of the pollutants are self-inflicted by women who sprayed on deodorant , slapped on body moisturiser and applied lipstick each morning .

  16. 根霉酯化酶具有多向合成功能,既能同时合成浓香型酒己酸乙酯为主体香的四大酯,也可单一合成纯己酸乙酯,还可合成稀有酯类。从香味强度来探讨各类名酒的主体香

    Esterifying enzyme of Rhizopus sp. not only has the ability to synthesize ethyl hexanoate but also synthesize other esters . INVESTIGATION OF THE MAIN TYPE BOUQUET FOR VARIOUS FAMOUS LIQUOR BY THE INTENSITY OF AROMA

  17. 根据对番茄香气成分的分析数据结果与感官感知,介绍了番茄的香气、香味特点及其香韵组成,详细叙述了如何运用不同香韵的单体香原料,调制出番茄香精的过程。

    The odor , flavor characteristics and essential notes of tomato was introduced according to the analytical data and olfactory perception , and the course of compounding with different aroma chemicals was also described in detail .

  18. 根据纽约西奈山医院皮肤病学助理教授舒亚·蔡克纳博士,洗澡的频率和我们认为的体香实际上更是一种文化现象。波士顿皮肤病学家博士赫希也有同感。

    According to Dr. Joshua Zeichner , assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City , how frequently we shower and what we perceive as body odor is " really more of a cultural phenomenon 。 " Boston dermatologist Dr. Ranella Hirsch echoes this sentiment .