
  • Oily Skin;oil skin
  1. 油性皮肤不能使用洁面霜。

    Cream cleansers are totally off limits for oily skin .

  2. 她年轻的时候是油性皮肤。

    When she was younger , she had very oily skin

  3. Normal正常肌肤Oily油性皮肤Combination混合肌肤Dry干皮Sensitive敏感肌肤这种面霜提供及时和长时间的保湿,让你的肌肤散发光彩。

    This facial cream provides concentrated immediate & long-term hydration for a radiantly refreshed complexion .

  4. 美容治疗专家SarahChapman向VideoJug用户讲述了油性皮肤的护理方法。

    Beauty therapist Sarah Chapman shows VideoJug users how to care for oily skin .

  5. VideoJug这段视频中的绅士将指引你怎样应对油性皮肤。

    Watch VideoJug 's gentleman 's guide to dealing with oily skin .

  6. 在VideoJug的帮助下,学习怎样中和与应对油性皮肤。

    Learn how to even out and combat your oily skin with VideoJug 's help .

  7. PlushFolly美容机构化妆品顾问SallyHornsey向你展示如何制作效果绝佳的葡萄柚洗面奶,非常适合油性皮肤。

    Sally Hornsey , cosmetic consultant at Plush Folly , shows you how to make an amazing grapefruit cleanser , perfect for oily skin .

  8. 不要害怕保湿——油性皮肤仍然需要补水和防晒,所以要使用SPF15的轻薄无油的保湿产品。

    Don 't be afraid to moisturise - oily skin still needs to be hydrated and protected from the sun , so use a lightweight , oil free moisturiser , with SPF 15 .

  9. 油性皮肤通常会让你油光满面,毛孔粗大,布满黑头。在VideoJug的帮助下,你可以轻松应对这个问题。

    Oily skin is shiny and thick with open pores and blackhead , so learn how to combat this with VideoJug 's help .

  10. 首先油性皮肤可以不需要保湿面霜。

    Oily skin may not need moisturizers in the first place .

  11. 感谢收看“怎样护理油性皮肤”节目。

    Thanks for watching video how to care for oily skin .

  12. 我们认为,痤疮和油性皮肤是分不开的。

    We believe that acne and oily skin are inseparable .

  13. 许多为油性皮肤设计的护肤品都含有绿茶的成分。

    Many skincare products designed for oily skin incorporate green tea extract .

  14. 针对长期出痘痘和毛孔粗大的油性皮肤问题。产地:埃及。

    Specific for acne-prone skin and enlarged pores . Origin : Egypt .

  15. 感谢收看“怎样应对油性皮肤”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Deal With Oily Skin

  16. 本系列产品适用于混合性油性皮肤护理。

    The series of products are applicable to mixed and oily skin care .

  17. 感谢收看“油性皮肤怎样制作面膜”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make Face Mask For Oily Skin .

  18. 有52%的患者是油性皮肤。

    52 % patient are the greasy skin .

  19. 痤疮,油性皮肤,或皮屑。

    Acne , oily skin , or dandruff .

  20. 油性皮肤和皮脂腺分泌的调控

    Oil skin and control of the sebaceous glands

  21. 油性皮肤的年老奥利替老爷的汽车入汽油。

    Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos .

  22. 1.油性皮肤的标志

    Step 1 : The signs of oily skin

  23. 就算是油性皮肤也不能幸免。

    Even oily skin , Allgood warns .

  24. 木瓜正常或敏感,对黄瓜、牛油干油性皮肤。

    Papaya for normal or sensitive , cucumber for oily and avocado for dry skin .

  25. 帮助皮脂腺分泌正常,预防粉刺生成,适合混合性和油性皮肤使用。

    Regulate sebum secretion , prevent acne outbreaks ; suitable for combination and oily skin .

  26. 奥尔古德警告说:油性皮肤的人总以为自己不会干燥,因为他们在着陆的时候看起来更油亮。

    People with oily skin often think they escape dehydration because they look shinier at touchdown .

  27. 遵循以下简单的步骤,使用绿色粘土制作适用于油性皮肤的面膜。

    Follow these simple steps to make a face mask for oily skin using green clay .

  28. 适用:皮肤油脂分泌失衡、油性皮肤、痤疮、痘印、痘疤、粉刺。

    Availability : Unbalanced oil secretion , greasy skin , acne , acne scars and tracks .

  29. 丰富的植物提取物,它的温柔和有效的油性皮肤和污点。

    Enrich with plant extracts , it 's gentle and effective for oily and blemish skin .

  30. 今天,我们将向大家展示一下怎样制作适用于油性皮肤的面膜。

    Today , I 'm going to show you how to make a mask for oily skin .