
  • 网络Refining;oil refining;oil refine;oils and fats refining;fats and oils refining
  1. 油脂精炼过程中影响脱色效果因素的探讨

    Factor on affecting bleaching degree in oil refining processes

  2. 探讨和研究了在食用油脂精炼过程中如何节约热能的问题。

    This paper explores how to save heat energy in edible oil refining process .

  3. 磷脂酶C水解大豆油磷脂提高油脂精炼率的研究

    Improving refining yield of crude oil by using phospholipase C to hydrolyze soybean gums

  4. 物化与SBR工艺处理油脂精炼加工废水

    Physicochemical and SBR Processes for Treatment of Oil and Fat Refining Wastewater

  5. 强化一级处理与SBR工艺处理油脂精炼加工废水

    Strengthening primary treatment and SBR process for treating oil & fat refining wastewater

  6. 利用超临界CO2萃取对毛油进行精炼,是一项新的油脂精炼方法。

    The optimal conditions for aglycone tyrosol extraction from Rhodiola were investigated by using supercritical CO2 extraction technique .

  7. 分析油脂精炼废水的成份和特性,提出了从废水中回收脂肪酸及油脂的综合利用措施,并将剩余废水进行CASS生化处理。

    This paper analyzed the components and characteristic of lipidic refining wastewater , put forward the comprehensive utilization measures of reclaiming fatty acid and lipin from wastewater .

  8. 简述油脂精炼对环境产生的污染及治理措施

    Environmental Pollution in Oils and Fats Refining and Administer measure

  9. 油脂精炼废白土中油脂回收和废白土再生工艺的研究

    Oil Recovery and Regeneration of Used Bleaching Clay Produced in Oil Refining

  10. 油脂精炼过程中节约热能的探讨和研究

    Research of Heat Energy Saving in Edible Oil Refining

  11. 脱色是油脂精炼的一个主要环节。

    The Bleaching is one of the important process in refining of lipid .

  12. 油脂精炼车间废水处理技术

    Technology of Waste Water Treatment on Oil Refinery

  13. 油脂精炼损耗的形成及其控制

    Cause and countermeasure of oil refining loss

  14. 结合油脂精炼的特点,谈谈搅拌设备的设计经验。

    This paper diseussed design experience about agitator equipment according to oil refining special feature .

  15. 油脂精炼废水的综合治理

    Comprehensive Treatment of Lipidic Refining Wastewater

  16. 油脂精炼技术

    Fats and Oils Refining Technology

  17. 在生产中应采取相应措施对其进行有效控制,从而达到减小油脂精炼损耗,降低油脂生产成本的目的。

    In order to reduce the oil refining loss and production cost , some effective measures should be adopted .

  18. 针对油脂精炼厂在精炼过程中产生的有机废水的特点,采用了活性污泥法的处理工艺。

    The active sludge method was used to treat the wastewater by analyzing the characteristics of organic wastewater produced through refining process in oil plant .

  19. 介绍了规模为200m3/d的油脂精炼加工废水处理工程的设计与运行。

    The design and operation of a project with scale of 200 m ~ 3 / d for treating oil & fat refining wastewater are introduced .

  20. 大豆皮经高温处理后,得到的豆皮碳可作为油脂精炼过程中应用价值较高的吸附剂等。

    Besides , Soybean hull treated by high temperature can produce soybean-hull carbon , which can be used as a higher value of the adsorbent in oil refining process .

  21. 脱臭馏出物中生育酚的含量与油脂精炼工艺、脱臭时间、脱臭温度、捕集器温度、蒸汽用量和系统真空度等因素有关。

    The operating conditions that have the greatest effect on tocopherol levels in deodorizer distillate are refining conditions deodorization time , deodorization temperature , scrubber temperature , steam and vacuum .

  22. 分析了油脂精炼损耗的原因、损耗量以及对油脂精炼生产成本的影响,指出毛油质量是影响油脂精炼损耗的主要因素;

    The cause of oil refining loss and effect of the loss on products costs were analyzed . The quality of crude oil was the main influence factor for oil refining loss .

  23. 该工艺投资少、炼耗低、碱炼油品质好、废水少、操作维修费用低、技术要求不高,是一条简单实用的碱炼工艺,特别适合中小型油脂精炼厂应用。

    As a matter of fact , it 's a simple and practical neutralization process with low cost and high quality product , especially for the edible oil refinery factories of middle and small scales .

  24. 油脂精炼过程中,通常使用油重2%~5%的活性白土进行吸附脱色,脱色后的废白土若处理不及时,会造成环境污染。

    In the refining process of oils , 2 % ~ 5 % activated bleaching earth usually is used . If the spent bleaching earth can not be treated in time , it will pollute the environment .

  25. 从油脂精炼副产物中提取的植物甾醇主要包括β-谷甾醇、豆甾醇、菜油甾醇和菜籽甾醇,能抑制人体对胆固醇的吸收,是一种降低血清胆固醇的功能活性成分。

    Phytosterols , including J3-sitosterol , stigmasterol , campesterol and brassicasterol mainly , were obtained commonly from by-product of refining vegetable oil . Phytosterols have been use as a novel functional food ingredient with plasma cholesterol lowering activity which works by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol .

  26. 大型油脂连续精炼工程设计与实践

    Engineering Design and Practice of Continuous Refining for Large-scale Oil Factory

  27. 植物油脂连续精炼工艺测定研究

    Study on Process Determination of Vegetable Oils Continuous Refining Plant

  28. 食用油脂物理精炼和化学精炼诸多因素的比较

    Comparison of Physical and Chemical Refining of Edible Oil

  29. 为及时了解油脂连续精炼工艺与设备实际运行状况,实施油脂精炼车间考核、成本预测及设备保养,确保油脂产品的质量,定期进行油脂精炼工艺测定是一条有效而经济的途径。

    Process determination at regular frequency is an effective and economic method to find out actual situations of process and equipments , supervise plant 's operation , account direct production cost and maintain equipment insure the quality of product etc.

  30. 在采集五家油脂生产厂家精炼过程油脂样品的基础上,使用近红外方法,对样品中的反式脂肪酸含量进行检测。

    The content of trans-fatty acids in the specimen collected from oil refining process in5 oil factories was determined by near infrared method .