
là zhǐ
  • wax paper;stencil;stencil paper
蜡纸 [là zhǐ]
  • [wax paper] 涂满蜡的纸

  1. PVC作为成膜剂的热敏蜡纸具有适合的软化点,能成功制版,并具有一定的印刷效果。

    PVC film-forming agent in the heat-sensitive stencil paper as a suitable softening point , successful plate , and the effect of certain printing .

  2. 印刷一体机用版纸&热敏蜡纸

    Heat-Sensitive Stencil Paper for Duplicating Plate of the Integrative Printing Machine

  3. 如果蜡纸已粘在蛋糕的底部,就把它撕掉。

    Peel away the waxed paper if it has stuck to the bottom of the cake

  4. 本工艺实现了以蜡纸为包装材料的6~9g蜜丸机械化内包装。

    This process realizes machinery internal wrap for 6 ~ 9 g honey pill using the waxed paper .

  5. 用蜡纸包紧,入冰箱保鲜1–12小时。

    Wrap in waxed paper , refrigerate one – 12 hours .

  6. 他用铁笔把图案写在蜡纸上。

    He drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus .

  7. 莎拉:你能拿些蜡纸过来吗?

    Sarah : Can you also grab some wax paper , too ?

  8. 至于包装材料,有些国家使用聚乙烯膜。但许多国家则使用蜡纸或防油纸。

    As for the materials for packaging , some countries are using polyethylene .

  9. 她用蜡纸将三明治包好。

    She folded the sandwich up with wax paper .

  10. 将苹果取出,并在蜡纸上放凉即可。

    Let them cool on wax paper and enjoy !

  11. 我出生那天他把树叶夹到蜡纸里做成标本

    The day I was born , he pressed leaves between wax paper ,

  12. 她用蜡纸包三文治。

    She folded the sandwich in wax paper .

  13. 使用蜡纸进行制造或者印刷。

    Mark or print with a stencil .

  14. 标有温度的示温蜡纸贴在支柱绝缘保护罩上。

    A wax paper marked with temperature scales is pasted on the pillar insulated shield .

  15. 她用蜡纸将三明治包好。我再做一些三明治好吗?

    She folded the sandwich up with wax paper . Shall I make some more sandwiches ?

  16. 此外还可直接将图形打印在蜡纸上,便于大量印制。

    Also graph can still be printed directly onto stencil paper for printing in large number .

  17. 有小齿轮可以在蜡纸上刻小孔的书写工具。

    A writing implement with a small toothed wheel that cuts small holes in a stencil .

  18. 我们需要在布朗尼之间放蜡纸,这样它们就不会粘在一起。

    We 'll need to put some between each brownie so they don 't stick together .

  19. 你知道是爱迪生发明了蜡纸、火警警报器、电池和电影吗?

    Did you know Edison invented wax paper , fire alarms , the battery and motion pictures ?

  20. 图索夫人蜡像馆是伦敦一家著名的蜡像馆。使用蜡纸进行制造或者印刷。

    Madame Tussaud 's is a famous waxworks in London . mark or print with a stencil .

  21. 本实用新型是专为打印机打印蜡纸而使用的打印带。

    The utility model relates to an ink ribbon specially used for printing waxed paper for a printer .

  22. 该技术基于屏幕打印,即使用一张蜡纸和油墨来创建一个图像。

    It is based on screen printing , which uses a stencil and paint to create an image .

  23. 蜡纸存贮法在高超声速脉冲风洞舵&锥干扰流场显示中的应用

    The application of the oil dot wax paper technique to the visualization of fin-cone interference flowfields in the hypersonic pulse tunnel

  24. (造纸业术语)造纸时用的使纸浆定型的制模框。使用蜡纸进行制造或者印刷。

    ( paper making ) a frame used to form paper pulp into sheets . mark or print with a stencil .

  25. 随同扫描和静电法的引进,制一张蜡纸镂空版就和影印一份文件相似。

    With the introduction of scanning and electrostatic process , the making of a mimeograph stencil is similar to making a photocopy .

  26. 粘贴邮票时,将贴邮票处上的蜡纸揭掉,粘上邮票压紧即可。

    When sticking stamps , people tear off the wax paper on the stamp-sticking place and then stick and press the stamps .

  27. 他用蜡纸把绞碎的肉包好,再用棕色纸包上,用胶纸粘好,在纸包上标上价钱。

    He wraps the ground meat in waxed paper , seals it with gummed paper , and marks the price on the package .

  28. 烤盘内铺上蜡纸,挤出一小部份混合物,呈球状。

    On a baking tray lined with wax paper , squeeze out a small portion of the mixture until it forms an even ball .

  29. 转印纸(注:转印纸是一种像蜡纸的卷纸,所以你可以和你的朋友共同用一卷转印纸)

    Transfer paper ( Note : Transfer paper comes in a roll like waxed paper , so you can share a roll with your friends . )

  30. 将生面团一分为二,之后轻轻地将其打平,并放于两张蜡纸之间,放入冰箱中1小时(或放入冷冻室中20分钟)。

    Divide dough in half , slightly flatten between 2 sheets of waxed paper , and refrigerate for 1 hour ( or freeze for 20 minutes ) .