
  • 网络Outside the system;outside system
  1. 相比之下,体制外组织在就业过程中对于女性的各种待遇和保障较少受到国家法律和政策的严格控制,因此在接纳就业时更倾向于岗位的性别适应性。

    In comparison , outside system organizations are less under the charge of national law and policy regarding female treatment and safeguard . Therefore , they prone to situational sex compatibility in employment .

  2. 从体制外看,银行业非规范性利息收入的存在,使一部分利息收入以隐性收入形式流失,或者成为银行的帐外收入,或者成为拥有信贷配置权的内部人收入。

    From the view of outside system , the existence of non-formal interest income hi banking industry leads to loss of interest income , either as out-book income for banks or personal income of insiders who have the rights of credit allocation .

  3. 第三,发挥体制外公民监督的约束力量。

    Third , develops the monitoring power of citizens outside the system .

  4. 村庄体制外精英对乡村社会稳定的影响分析

    The Analysis of Village Non-System Elite Influence on Countryside Stability

  5. 体制外作家的叙事空间和困境

    Narrative Space and Predicament of Non System - enrolled Writers

  6. 论体制外评价教师行为的误区及其原因

    On Misunderstanding and Its Causes of Evaluating Teacher Behaviors outside the System

  7. 利用外脑和在野党等体制外资源,增强决策的科学性;

    Utilize resources outside such as opposition party to enhance scientific policy making ;

  8. 因此,对于体制外循环的资金国家应制定合理政策进行正确的引导。

    Therefore , reasonable policy for a correct guidance of those money should be made .

  9. 体制外的政治参与,同样在相当程度上引导着国家政治现代化进程。

    Political involvement from the outside considerably led national political process in the same way .

  10. 中国体制外资本市场分析

    Analysis of China 's Extra-System Capital Market

  11. 在金融体系不够发达的条件下,我国经济却保持着较高的发展速度,除了其它因素外,体制外融资方式是支撑经济增长的一个重要原因。

    The outside system of financing is an important reason to support economic growth besides other reasons .

  12. 在金融体制外,实行农业产业化经营,培育龙头企业发展;

    Outside the financial system , exercising industrialized operation of agriculture , cultivating the development of leading enterprises ;

  13. 第六代的电影运作最初大都是体制外进行的,民间筹资、海外融资、低成本、小制作、手工作坊式地生产是其主要特征。

    Raising money among the people , overseas financing , low cost , craft production were the main characteristics .

  14. 它是国家权力体制外自发形成的一种自治社会。

    It is a self-governing society , which is spontaneously formed by the outside of the state power system .

  15. 新生代作家创作成就的取得,与其中很多作家的体制外创作身份是分不开的。

    The accomplishments achieved by the newly-emerging writers in their creation cannot be separated from their identity as non system-enrolled writers .

  16. 面对风险,农民逐渐形成了依靠自己和体制外资源规避风险的风险应对策略。

    Facing to risk , they have developed their coping mechanism which depends on themselves and the resource out of system .

  17. 村庄自治改革后,体制外精英大量融合到体制内,形成村庄精英治理结构。

    After the village autonomy reform , numerous non-system elites come into the system and form the village elite governance structure .

  18. 另外,很多学者和专家也认为,教育的国际化问题可以在贸易体制外进行。

    In addition , many scholars and experts believe that the internationalization of education can be realized outside of the trade regime .

  19. 第二,公共部门人力资本价格中体制外收益需要由体制内的制度运行作保障,不断维持、扩大既得利益。

    Second , the outside interests are based on the implement of the inside system , and maintain and increase the vested interests .

  20. 深入挖掘了体制外的独立纪录片的创作和精神,同时追问了教育纪录片的创作和影像的价值意义。

    The creation and spirit of independent documentary beyond institution are explored in depth and its production and value in film are also questioned .

  21. 在系统体制外,若以第三方提供的设备、通过监听通信信号来确定移动台位置,称作非合作定位。

    Beyond the system mechanism , the technology that uses equipments provided by the third party to determine mobile station position is called non-cooperative location .

  22. 在这场将来临的竞争中,电信运营商所拥有的除了适合有线网运营的体制外,就是一张无处不在的网络。

    In the coming competition , compared with radio telecommunication have in addition the system suitable for wired network operators , is a ubiquitous network .

  23. 在分析的基础上努力尝试将体制外组织资源纳入对农村治理主体的考察视野,为农村组织研究提供一个新的分析框架和思路。

    This paper tries to bring outer-system organization resource into the view of rural governance and gives a new analyzing framework for study on rural organization .

  24. 体制外各精英对村子发展等事宜缺少关注,也不愿意和现任村干部进行交流。

    Outside the system of the elite village matters such as the lack of attention to the development , but also unwilling to communicate incumbent village cadres .

  25. 现年37岁的姚明在第九次篮协全国代表大会上当选主席,这是中国篮协自1956年成立以来首次由体制外人员担任主席。

    Yao , 37 , became the first-ever non-governmental personage to take the position at the ninth national congress of the association which was founded in 1956 .

  26. 现在既已广泛存在的民间金融和银行“违规”发放的体制外贷款,对金融资源的配置具有帕累托改进的作用。

    Existing wide spread " against the rule " extr a system loans granted by non-governmental finance and banks have an effect of Palato improvement to deployment of financial resources .

  27. 体制外生成行业协会是由民营企业自发自愿组成,目的是克服行业内的无序竞争,促进行业内企业的共同发展。

    The former was constituted of private enterprises by the spontaneous voluntary for the purpose of overcoming the disorderly competition in the industry to promote the industry the common development of enterprises .

  28. 为解决就业问题,各城市政府开始把目光转向体制外,在现有企事业单位之外开辟新的就业门路。

    In order to solve the problem of unemployment the governments in various cities cast their eyes outside the official structure and tried to create job opportunities outside the existing enterprises and institutions .

  29. 中国经济市场化历经三个阶段:体制外市场化阶段,体制内局部市场化阶段及全面展开与纵深推进阶段。

    China 's market economy has experienced three stages : the stage of marketization out of system , the stage of partial marketization within system and the stage of fully spreading and deepening .

  30. 在中国渐进式二元制经济改革中,地方金融作为体制外经济增长重要变量,其作用日益凸现。

    In the progressive binary economic reform of China , the local finance , as the important variable of the economic growth outside the system , its function is shown especially day by day .