
  1. 体育类院校体育课程教学网络化建设研究

    Research On The Construction Of PE Teaching Network In PE Colleges

  2. 体育类院校大学生人文素质状况与对策

    On Status and Countermeasures of Humanistic Quality of Undergraduates in P.E.Universities and Institutes

  3. 普通高校学生与体育类院校学生挫折商比较分析与探讨

    Comparing Analysis and Discussion on the Adversity Quotient of Undergraduates Between Ordinary University and Physical Educational College

  4. 采用文献资料法对全国13所单科体育类院校民族传统体育专业课程设置情况进行分析,找出带有共同规律和特点的地方,并结合广州体育学院本专业课程设置情况。

    The authors analyzed the situation of nation traditional sports specialty in 13 institutes of physical education .

  5. 教学信息化是现今高等教育发展中的重要组成部分,近几年来,得到了各高校,尤其是体育类院校的高度重视。

    Teaching informatization is an important part in the development of higher education , which has drawn high attention of the universities , especially the sports institutions .

  6. 体育类院校(术科专业)大学生人文知识方面缺乏,尤其是政治、法律、科学素质掌握情况令人担忧。

    It is worried by most people that the sport college students ( Skill majored ) lack humane knowledge , especially the knowledge concerning politics , law , and science . 2 .

  7. 如何运用网络更好的拓展和创新党建工作已是摆在高校包括体育类院校党建教育者面前亟待解决的一项重要任务。

    How to better use of network expansion and innovation in the work of party building is placed on party building educators in colleges and universities must be resolved before an important task .

  8. 通过对学生和教师进行影响体育类院校(术科专业)大学生人文素质因素调查,两者都认为个人因素对大学生人文素质影响最大。

    Through the survey named " Factors Influencing the Humane Quality of Sport College Students ( Skill majored )", the students and teachers involved in this survey both consider the individual factor influences college students ' humane quality the most .

  9. 影响体育类高职院校技能课教学质量的因素

    Factors Influencing the Teaching Quality of Skills in Vocational Colleges of Sports

  10. 安徽体育运动职业技术学院是在特殊背景下成立的体育类高等职业院校。

    Anhui Professional & Technical Institute of Athletics is the vocational institute established under special environment .