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huǒ gōng
  • fire attack
火攻 [huǒ gōng]
  • [fire attack] 用火烧法攻击敌军

火攻[huǒ gōng]
  1. 后孙刘联军巧用火攻,乘东南风大起,向曹营举火,火船借助风势,直冲曹军水寨。

    Using Sun Liu coalition after the Fire Attack , by the southeast wind , the fire to move Cao Ying , the fire boat with the wind , straight into the Cao kiosk .

  2. 以火攻火者,结果只剩一片灰烬。

    People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes .

  3. 孙子说:火攻形式共有五种,

    Sun Tzu said : There are five ways of attacking with fire .

  4. 《火攻篇》是《孙子兵法》十三篇这个恢弘体系中一个非常重要的有机组成部分。

    Attacking with Fire is a very important component of Military Science of Sun Tzu .

  5. 安特卫普派出火攻船——说白了,就是着火的船只——回敬封锁。

    Antwerp retaliated by sending fire ships - literally , ships on fire - against the blockade .

  6. 西班牙军队大笑着用长矛将其推开,火攻船最后自行燃烧沉没河底。

    Laughing , the Spanish army pushed them away with pikes until the vessels burned themselves into the river .

  7. 4月5日晚上,詹贝利派出32只火攻船做先锋以分散西班牙人的注意力。

    As night approached on April 5 , Giambelli sent 32 fire ships ahead of his hellburners to distract the Spaniards .

  8. 教案设计了一遍又一遍,总是觉得不够完善。于是在患得患失和急火攻心中,我的嗓子哑了。

    As a perfectionist , sometimes I even got a sore throat due to the constant dissatisfaction about my teaching plan .

  9. 曹操的首次进攻被击退,此时风向逆刮,周瑜乘势用火攻。

    Cao Cao 's first attack was driven back and then the wind changed against him and Zhou Yu sent in an attack with fire-ships .

  10. 一日深夜,老将黄盖来到帐中,商议破曹以火攻为好。

    One night , Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao 's army , when Huang Gai came in .

  11. 实施火攻必须具备条件,火攻器材必须随时准备。

    In order to carry out an attack , we must have means available . The material for raising fire should always be kept in readiness .

  12. 这么说吧,我们的目标是“以火攻火”,用积极的事物向消极的事物做出反应,基本和重行对计算机编程一样。

    Our goal here is to fight fire with fire so to speak , and come back at the negatives with positives , almost like reprogramming a computer .

  13. 《火攻篇》的慎战思想是孙子对战争复杂性认识的进一步深化,体现了孙子对战争本身复杂性和后果严重性的双重忧虑。

    The thought of being cautious in war in Attacking with Fire is Sun Tzu 's further insight into war complexity , which represents Sun Tzu 's double anxiety about war complexity and serious consequences .

  14. 本文就火灾扑救中如何应用卫星定位系统来实施以火攻火以及应注意的问题进行了讨论,对今后部队、地方更好的完成森林火灾的扑救工作有一定的指导意义。

    In this article , we discuss how to apply GPS to controlling fire with fire and some questions that we could notice , aiming at instructing army and locality to extinguish forest fire effectively .