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xiāo jiàng
  • valiant general
骁将 [xiāo jiàng]
  • [valiant general] 勇将,猛将。也作枭将

  • 定天下枭将也。--《史记.留候世家》

  • 贺拔胜北间骁将。--《北史.贺拔胜传》

  • 她们不仅是球场的骁将,而且还是生产上的能手

骁将[xiāo jiàng]
  1. 梁是新文化运动的骁将,他由反省现代性,归趋整理国故,仍不失其独立的地位。

    From critical reflection on modernity to sorting out the national cultural heritage , he always maintained his independent position .

  2. 应势态重大时,例如,“太平天国讫义”,据说中国人打得异常英勇坚强,特别是他们在有良帅骁将时更是如斯。

    When there is a serious issue , as , for instance , inthe Tai-Ping rebellion , the Chinese are said to fight well , particularly if they have good officers .