
  • 网络Lu Town;Kecamatan Megaluh;Yaletown
  1. 我是正在这一夜回到我的故乡鲁镇的。

    I was that night back to my home town of Lu .

  2. 作为艺术形式的鲁镇时空

    Lu Town Space-time Body as Aesthetic Form

  3. 是鲁镇这个高度思想化的环境联合绞杀了祥林嫂。

    It was the Lu Town , this high ideological enviroment to unite strangling her .

  4. 论文第二部分就两个问题鲁镇的空间形式和鲁镇的时间形式集中探讨。

    Second part focuses on two questions of thesis - Space form and time form of " Lu town " .

  5. 据当地居民和尼日利亚官员表示,爆炸发生在达马图鲁镇的一个体育场内,当时场内聚集着正在观看世界杯比赛的足球迷。

    Residents and Nigerian officials report that an explosion ripped through a venue in Damaturu Town as soccer fans gathered to watch a World Cup game .

  6. 把鲁镇作为一个文学时空体概念来考察,我们将发现鲁迅小说的文化和社会历史的深层内涵。

    Regarding " Lu town " as one concept of " literature space-time body ", we find culture and historical social intension of the space-time body .

  7. 这位68岁的老太太来自英格兰斯塔福郡鲁吉利镇。她已经以电影《星球大战》系列中的尤达大师以及《铁血战士》为主题,仅靠海绵蛋糕和糖衣,就制出了令人瞠目结舌的艺术蛋糕。

    The 68-year-old , from Rugeley , Staffs , has crafted jaw-dropping cakes featuring Yoda from Star Wars and Predator , from just sponge and icing .