
  1. 曾先后学习于鲁迅文学院、北京广播学院(现中国传媒大学)和英国伯明翰学院(MBA);

    He has studied in Lunxun Literature School , Communication University of China , and University of Birmingham MBA .

  2. 1991年,莫言毕业于北京师范大学(微博)鲁迅文学院创作研究生班,并获文艺学硕士学位。

    In 1991 , he was granted a master 's degree in literature and art from the Lu Xun Literature Institute at Beijing Normal University .

  3. 影片《白毛女》根据延安鲁迅文学院集体创作,贺敬之、丁毅执笔的同名歌剧改编而成。

    Movie " White-Haired Girl ," according to the collective creation of Yan'an Lu Xun Literature Institute , HE Jing , Ding Yi , adapted from the opera written by the same name .