
  • 网络RUDOLPH;rudolf;rodolfo;rodolph;Neudorf
  1. 鲁道夫没再说话。看来他是个寡言少语的人。

    Rudolph said no more . Apparently he was a man of few words .

  2. 红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫(Rudolph)于二十世纪加入圣诞麋鹿队列,它的红鼻子照亮了平安夜雾蒙蒙的道路。

    Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was a 20th-century addition to the team , lighting the way on a foggy Christmas Eve .

  3. 鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼[前纽约市市长]:“美国历史上出现过许多独具慧眼的领导人,我认为德威特·克林顿深知纽约州的发展对美国意义重大。”克林顿的愿景是让纽约州富起来。

    America was blessed with many inspirational leaders , and I think Dewitt Clinton had a real sense of how important new York could be for America . Clinton 's vision : to make New York rich .

  4. 该团体联合创始人及纽约perse餐厅前总经理安东尼・鲁道夫(AnthonyRudolf)说,理念在于让服务员成为一个迷人的餐厅职业。

    The idea is to make server ' a sexy dining-room job , ' says Anthony Rudolf , the group 's co-founder and former general manager at Per Se , in New York .

  5. 大约是在我不再相信世上真的存在红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫(Rudolf)的时候,圣诞节(Christmas)在西方失去了它的灵魂。自那以来的几十年里,它已成为在意这些事的人的焦虑来源。

    Christmas lost its soul in the west around the time that I stopped believing in Rudolf , and it 's been a source of angst for those who care about such things for all the decades since .

  6. 索尼爱立信驻瑞典隆德的设计师鲁道夫?德利昂(RodolfodeLeon)说,这种体验说明热情与魅力会令一个技术性的东西发生改变。

    The exercise showed how'passion and charisma can change a technical thing , 'says Rodolfo deLeon , a Lund-based designer at Sony Ericsson .

  7. 但到了1983年,被员工们称作是马克里奇公司黄金时代的日子戛然而止,当时美国曼哈顿律师鲁道夫•朱利安尼(RudolphGiuliani)向里奇和格林提起诉讼。

    In 1983 , however , the period that colleagues described as a golden age for Marc Rich + Co came to an end , when Rudolph Giuliani , then US attorney in Manhattan , indicted Rich and Mr Green .

  8. 但到了1983年,被员工们称作是马克里奇公司“黄金时代”的日子戛然而止,当时美国曼哈顿律师鲁道夫•朱利安尼(RudolphGiuliani)向里奇和格林提起诉讼。

    In 1983 , however , the period that colleagues described as a " golden age " for Marc Rich + Co came to an end , when Rudolph Giuliani , then US attorney in Manhattan , indicted Rich and Mr Green .

  9. 他首先鲁道夫Wurlitzer公司工作,他的方式从会计师购买该公司的零售部门的主任。

    He first worked for the Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. , working his way up from accountant to director of purchasing for the corporation 's retail division .

  10. 左边为KlausEnriqueGerdes创作的圣罗马帝国鲁道夫二世画像,右边卫意大利画家GiuseppeArcimboldo1590年的原作。

    Getting his five a day : A portrait of Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II as the Roman God of the seasons Vertumnus by photographer Klaus Enrique Gerdes , left , and the original painted in 1590 by Italian Giuseppe Arcimboldo , right .

  11. 从左至右:茜茜、弗朗茨、鲁道夫。

    From left to right : Sisi , Franz and Rudolf .

  12. 现在,我们就来听听伯尔?艾夫斯演唱的《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》。

    Here , Burl lves sings Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer .

  13. 鲁道夫看到她时突然开始跑了起来。

    When Rudolph saw her , he broke into a run .

  14. 鲁道夫从床上一跃而起把床单拉平。

    Rudolph swung off the bed , straightened out the covers .

  15. 现在鲁道夫可以认清这个人的身份了。

    By now Rudolph could spot the type of the man .

  16. 没两分钟,小精灵、鲁道夫和圣诞老人都被冻住了。

    And within seconds the Elf , Rudolph and Santa froze .

  17. 鲁道夫知道自己必须保持清醒方可驾车回家。

    Rudolph knew he had to stay sober to drive home .

  18. 《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》和《结霜的雪人》。

    Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer , and Frosty the Snowman .

  19. 他把纽约城恨得入骨,鲁道夫断定。

    He was demented about New York City , Rudolph decided .

  20. 鲁道夫浑身都是劲,总是不停地工作。

    Randolph is a real dynamo ; he never stops working .

  21. 鲁道夫有音乐天赋,能吹奏小号。

    Rudolph had a talent for music and played the trumpet .

  22. 医生在家吗?我是鲁道夫布朗格。

    Could I see the doctor ? I 'm m.rodolphe boulanger .

  23. 这里的鲁道夫科曼',你最好快点。

    Here 's Rudolph comin ' , you better hurry .

  24. 艾米和鲁道夫扔雪球,他们玩的很开心。

    Amy and Rudolf throw snowballs . They have lots of fun .

  25. 鲁道夫笑了,而格丽卿也不由得笑了起来。

    Rudolph laughed and despite herself Gretchen had to laugh , too .

  26. 在鲁道夫眼中,丹顿始终是个怡然自得的人。

    Denton had always seemed to Rudolph to be pleased with himself .

  27. 鲁道夫,你偶尔拉拉小提琴吗?

    Do you play the violin , by any chance , rudolph ?

  28. 鲁道夫不能识别这珠宝是真的还是假的。

    Rudolph couldn 't tell whether the jewellery was real or not .

  29. 我姐姐曾经在这儿进出,鲁道夫想。

    My sister has passed through here , Rudolph thought .

  30. 红鼻驯鹿鲁道夫和红鼻子驯鹿是同位语最好的例子。

    ` Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer ' is an example of apposition .