
  1. 鲁西南鼓吹乐有它赖以生存的文化生态环境(包括风俗的、文化的、人文的)和受众,而作为载体的乐师同样是必不可少的。

    The wind and percussion ensemble in Jiaxiang area of Shandong province has its cultural and ecological environment ( including the customs , culture , and humanities ) and the audience for survive .

  2. 笔者对嘉祥地区鲁西南鼓吹乐民间乐师的研究,虽然没有囊括整个鲁西南地区,但是这一乐种在嘉祥流传最广。

    Although the study about the wind and percussion ensemble in southwest of Shandong province does not include the entire southwest region , Jiaxiang is the most widely spread areas of this music .

  3. 鲁西南丧葬礼俗与鼓吹乐

    Funerals and Wind-and-Percussion Music in South-East Shandong Province