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jí guàn
  • native place;the place of one's birth or origin
籍贯 [jí guàn]
  • [the place of ones birth or origin;native place] 祖居或本人出生的地方

籍贯[jí guàn]
  1. C:我的籍贯是北京市。

    C :( My native place ) is Beijing .

  2. 你的籍贯是哪里?

    Where is your native place ?

  3. 为了区分每个人,盎格鲁撒克逊人在他们的名字上加上了一个人的籍贯或工作。

    To tell each person apart , the Anglo-Saxons added either the place a person came from or the job they did to their first name .

  4. 为了评价以医院为单位整群抽样获取的脐带血DNA库与一般人群的相似性,对北京某医院收集的脐带血DNA库提供者父母籍贯和姓氏分布进行统计分析。

    A hospital-sampled newborn infant cord blood DNA bank was collected to measure the homogeneity comparing with China and northern China population by distribution of native place and surname .

  5. 人们不是按照地区和籍贯来划分的。

    Men were divided not by their regions or their roots .

  6. 如能达到这一点,作者将甚为欣慰。由入馆文人籍贯可以推断,北齐文士主要来自于北方士族,尤其是山东士族。

    Most literary authors of the Northern Qi Dynasty derived from Shandong province .

  7. 他的籍贯在法国,但他现在是美国公民。

    A person of French origin , he is now an American citizen .

  8. 地方院校不同籍贯学生的心理健康存在差异,城市学生不如农村学生。

    Lastly , students from countryside have less mental problems than students from cities .

  9. 其实,黄道婆的籍贯也不排除是海南人的可能。

    Though , the possibility of Huang Daopo as a Hainanese cannot be refused .

  10. 莉莉:你的籍贯是哪里?

    Lily : Where is your domicile ?

  11. 他的籍贯是哪个省?

    What province does he hail from ?

  12. 籍贯广东的洪英(译音)是中国众所周知最长寿的老人。

    Hong Ying , who comes from Guangdong , is known as the oldest person in China .

  13. 区域文化发达程度对宰相籍贯分布起着重要的制约作用。

    Thirdly , the development degree of regional culture plays an important restrictive role to the distribution .

  14. 在中国人填写的表格中,有一项是“籍贯”,你知道是什么意思吗?

    Do you know what " native place " - one of items of a Chinese form-mean ?

  15. 高启是明初最著名的诗人,其字号、籍贯和家族成员是研究其生平的基础资料。

    His name , birth place and family members are the basic resources to study his whole life .

  16. 人物籍贯,是学习研究历史中总会碰到的一个不大但又让人头疼的问题。

    Our forefathers ' native places are not a big problem but is a headache when we study history .

  17. 以斯帖未曾将籍贯宗族告诉人,因为末底改嘱咐她不可叫人知道。

    Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background , because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so .

  18. 我哥却连他的籍贯和历史都没有问。

    My brother did not even ask him from what country he came , nor what was his history .

  19. 其中,有关近代留学的中科院技术科学部院士籍贯分布地域的不均衡以及学成年龄构成的状况等统计结果,对当代人才培养和科技决策有一定的参考价值。

    The result of the research might be used for reference in today 's talent cultivation and science policy making .

  20. 在某些情况下,广告商可查看这些用户的姓名、年龄、籍贯和职业等个人信息。

    In some cases , advertisers were able to view these users ' names , ages , hometowns and occupations .

  21. 文章简述了白彦虎籍贯的研究和现状,为白彦虎嫡孙称自己是泾阳人之说提供了史料佐证。

    This paper discusses the research and present situation ; which provides trustworthy evidence for Bai Yanhu 's great grandsons .

  22. 而且不论其籍贯、宗教、信念和社会阶级,法律之前人人平等。

    In addition , everyone is equal before the law regardless of his birthplace , religion , creed and social class .

  23. 地域方言的鉴别,为确定犯罪嫌疑人的籍贯或地域归属提供了有价值的破案线索。

    Discriminate of the region dialect , for the assurance commit crime suspect person of native place provide worthy solve the clues .

  24. 关于罗贯中之籍贯,以山西太原说与山东东平说之争论最为激烈。

    The dispute about the birthplace of Luo Guanzhong has been focused on Taiyuan of Shanxi province and Dongping of Shandong province .

  25. 陈欣心,本名陈毓美,一九四七年生,籍贯福建省晋江县泉州人。

    Chen Xinxin , originally named Chen Youmei , born in Jinjiang County , Quanzhou City , Fujiang Province , P.R.China in1947 .

  26. 民营企业对内部非正式组织的籍贯规避&基于珠三角制造业个案的研究

    The native place evasion on informal organization of private enterprises in Zhujiang Delta district & Research based on manufacturing case of Zhujiang Delta

  27. 首先,借助史料的记载和项斯诗歌内容,确定项斯的籍贯,推论其生平经历。

    First , determines his hometown and inferences in his life experiences through studying historical records and items of the poems of Xiang Si .

  28. 通过对这些派别主要成员的籍贯的地理分布的研究,可以对当时的某些政治现象作出更加合理的解释。

    So by studying the geographical distribution of major staffs'native places , we can get more reasonable explanations of some political phenomenon of that time .

  29. 清人诗歌总集若从其所收作者籍贯范围看,有全国性的诗歌总集、地域性诗歌总集和家族性诗歌总集。

    From the Native perspective , the collection of Qing poetry can be divided into national poetry collection , regional poetry collection and familial poetry collection .

  30. 影响宰相籍贯分布的主要因素:(1)政治和军事中心给人物行政能力的培养和发展提供了条件。

    The main factors influencing the distribution are : first , the political and military center has provided enough condition for the cultivation of personages ' administrative ability .
