
xuè yuán hūn
  • consanguineous marriage
  1. 兄妹婚型洪水神话历来被视为是人类早期存在过血缘婚阶段的重要论据。

    The brother-sister-get-married pattern flood mythology has always been taking as the evidence of consanguineous marriage , which is a misinterpretation .

  2. 随着黎族婚姻习惯法发展过程中蝶变而成的一夫-妻制,在倡导婚姻自主、禁绝血缘婚的观念下,形成了一系列与婚姻制度相配套的系统而完善的婚姻规则。

    Li customary law marriage with the development process Butterfly made of monogamy , underling marriage advocate autonomy and the concept of marriage ban blood , forming a series of system matched with the institution of marriage and complete rules of marriage .

  3. 中国古代婚姻制度曾经历了原始群婚、血缘群婚、亚血缘群婚、对偶婚等形态。

    Chinese ancient marriage institutions once went through the patterns of original group marriage , consanguineous group marriage , sub-consanguineous group marriage and duality marriage etc.