
cuò guò
  • miss;miss out on;cross;let slip;muff
错过 [cuò guò]
  • (1) [miss]∶丧失时机

  • 错过了一次取胜的机会

  • (2) [cross]∶相互在路上交错而过

  • 我们在路上相互错过了

错过[cuò guò]
  1. 那次价格优惠真的不可错过。

    The sale prices were too good to miss .

  2. 她担心自己会错过转弯的地方而迷路。

    She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost .

  3. 她面试时迟到,结果错过了机会。

    She blew her chances by arriving late for the interview .

  4. 对不起,我来晚了——我错过什么了吗?

    Sorry I 'm late ─ have I missed anything ?

  5. 真他妈的见鬼!我们错过了这趟火车。

    Fuck it ! We 've missed the train .

  6. 真该死!我们错过了公交车。

    Blow it ! We 've missed the bus .

  7. 她一年中一场比赛都没错过。

    She hasn 't missed a game all year .

  8. 别错过下周扣人心弦的那一集!

    Don 't miss next week 's thrilling episode !

  9. 这个出国工作的机会你可不要错过。

    Don 't let the chance to work abroad slip through your fingers .

  10. 我们错过了通往机场的岔道。

    We missed the turn-off for the airport .

  11. 如果你错过那趟火车,那就得坐出租汽车。

    If you miss that train then you 'll have to get a taxi .

  12. 别错过了下周那一期!

    Don 't miss next week 's issue !

  13. 快点儿!要是错过这出戏的开场就太可惜了。

    Hurry up ! It would be a shame to miss the beginning of the play .

  14. 我宁可不睡觉,也不愿错过晚上的课。

    I would sooner give up sleep than miss my evening class

  15. 她错过了地中海春季鲜花怒放的绚丽美景。

    She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring .

  16. 我本来说什么也不会错过在英格兰的这个夏季的。

    I wouldn 't have missed this summer in England for anything

  17. 克纳汉因为扭伤脖子而错过了联赛。

    Kernaghan missed the United game after he ricked his neck

  18. 那就是会议上我错过的那一小段。

    That 's the bit of the meeting that I missed

  19. 我决不会错过这个。

    I wouldn 't have missed this for the world .

  20. 咱们别错过了看孩子们的机会。

    Let 's not waste an opportunity to see the children

  21. 如果一直紧闭双眼,你就要错过精彩的表演了。

    If you keep your eyes squeezed shut , you 'll miss the show

  22. 福克斯并没有对错过了参赛机会感到不忿。

    Fox is not bitter about the lost opportunity to compete in the Games

  23. 这个机会太好了,不容错过。

    It was too good an opportunity to miss .

  24. 我从没见过他错过提示。

    I had never known him miss a cue .

  25. 这是个不容错过的奇观。

    It was a spectacle not to be missed .

  26. 此次会议不可错过,现在就预订位置吧。

    Book your place on this unmissable conference .

  27. 是这样,不过别忘了他们错过了多少天伦之乐。

    Ah yes , but think of all the family life they 're missing .

  28. 他们声称警方在调查之初错过了宝贵的时间。

    They claim that police lost valuable time in the early part of the investigation

  29. “我不能错过这个机会,”她挥舞着请帖说。

    ' I can 't pass this up . ' She waved the invitation .

  30. 他们刚才已经错过那个街角一次了。

    They had already overshot the corner once .