
  • 网络still believe;I Still Believe
  1. 我仍然相信构建人人平等的社会的理念。

    I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society .

  2. 我仍然相信我们曾经想爱过的!

    I still believe that we would like to have loved it !

  3. 在赞美Eclipse的同时,我仍然相信抽象插件的核心是值得的。

    Still , while I value Eclipse , I also believe it pays to abstract the core aspects of your plug-in .

  4. 但在这些混乱之中,我仍然相信公平。

    Yet I do believe in fairness out of all these chaos .

  5. 但我仍然相信美国,我永远会的。

    But I still believe in America , and I always will .

  6. 我仍然相信夫妻之间可能有一重难以逾越的障碍。

    I still believe a Chinese wall can exist between husbands and wives .

  7. 我仍然相信人,因为怀疑不是我的天性。

    I cannot stop trusting people because suspicion is contrary to my nature .

  8. 我仍然相信人们从根本上说是好的。

    I still believe that people are fundamentally good .

  9. 我仍然相信你会在这里。

    I still believe that U will be here .

  10. 尽管如此,我仍然相信投票是一件重要的事。

    But in spite of all this , I still believe voting matters .

  11. 我仍然相信同样的东西。

    I still believe in the same things .

  12. 我仍然相信这种预言没有错,只是时机尚未成熟。

    I still do believe this prediction was not wrong , but simply premature .

  13. 但是我仍然相信其中有联系。

    But I still believe there is one .

  14. 我仍然相信早前的决定是正确的。

    I remain convinced that my initial response was in fact the right one .

  15. 整个城市空空的,但我仍然相信真爱无敌。

    The city is so empty , but I still believe powerful pure love .

  16. 按照你所说,我仍然相信这一理论的真实性。

    For all you say , I still believe in the truth of the theory .

  17. 我仍然相信,天有多冷,上帝就赐予我们多少衣物。

    I still believe , our Lord gives us clothes according to how cold it is .

  18. 尽管你走了,我仍然相信你能呼唤我的名字。

    Though you 're gone , I still believe that you can call out my name .

  19. 我仍然相信,我们可以建立可持续的机制,控制风险、增强信任。

    I remain convinced that we can build sustainable mechanisms to manage risk and grow trust .

  20. 但我仍然相信,任何企业在带宽需求增长的情况下,安装千兆以太网是值得的。

    I still believe that implementing Gigabit Ethernet is worthwhile in any organization with growing bandwidth needs .

  21. 尽管他做了坏事,我仍然相信他本质是善良的。

    In spite of the bad things he 's done I still believe in his essential goodness .

  22. 我仍然相信,我们拥有经营业务所需的资本和流动性。

    I remain confident that we have the capital and liquidity we need to run our business .

  23. 我仍然相信,周二晚的失望下意识地在今天影响了球员。

    I still believe , subconsciously , the disappointment of Tuesday night has played a part today .

  24. 我仍然相信,在这些种管道,但不能证明它是更好。

    I still believe in these kind of ducts but can 't prove that it is better .

  25. 不过我仍然相信我的病是因为在南方水土不服

    However , I still think that what I have is mostly a malady of the South ,

  26. 我仍然相信这一点,尽管我承认美国在现实中的做法与其理想经常相去甚远。

    I still believe this even though I recognise how short the US has frequently come of its ideals .

  27. 我仍然相信,我的家庭和我们之间的关系不会象公众消费品那样被卖掉。

    I still maintain the belief that families and relationships are not commodities to be sold off for public consumption .

  28. 虽然我们都知道这个世界上没什么能够永恒,但是我仍然相信,明天,一切会变的不一样了。

    Though we know nothing in this world would last forever , I still believe tomorrow is a different day .

  29. 我仍然相信和平、富足、幸福总能以某种方式达成。我是白痴。

    I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way . I am a fool .

  30. 我仍然相信这一点,除非能证明它与此相反。

    I will continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary , ie that it is not true .