
  1. 假如你的组织或企业还没有任何的IT治理,那你的SOA项目就给了你一个绝好的理由,让我们从今天开始IT和SOA治理吧

    Just in case your organization or corporation still hasn 't got any IT governance in place : Your SOA initiative gives you the perfect reason to start both IT and SOA governance today

  2. 这就是我为什么要说,让我们从今天开始;

    That 's why I propose , that as of today ;

  3. 我们从今天开始就在这里用英语交谈吧!

    Let 's start to communicate in English from today !

  4. 结论:让我们从今天开始操练吧!

    Conclusion : let 's exercise , starting today !

  5. 让我们从今天开始控制我们的饮食,这将有助于我们有更健康的生活方式。

    Start to control your portion size today , which will help you live a healthier lifestyle !

  6. 我们必须从今天开始行动以保障我们的明天。

    We must act today in order to preserve tomorrow .

  7. 让我们一起从今天开始,完成应该完成的工作,在这个星球上开辟一片新的自由天地。

    Together , starting today , let us finish the work that needs to be done , and usher in a new birth of freedom on this Earth .

  8. 我们从今天从瑞士开始,这个国家因为其中立而出名。

    We start today in Switzerland , the country has a reputation for neutrality .