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  • external program
  1. 最后,对Matlab外部程序接口进行了评论。

    Finally , comment is made upon Matlab external program interface .

  2. 以矩阵求秩为例,详细说明了Matlab外部程序接口的使用。

    The paper illustrates the use of Matlab external program interface with the example of seeking matrix 's order .

  3. Matlab提供外部程序接口,便于其他开发语言使用其计算功能。

    In order to utilize its calculation function , Matlab provides other programming language with external program interface .

  4. 命名空间可以在脚本中使用package语句来定义,或者外部程序集可能会提供命名空间。

    The namespace may be defined in the script by using the package statement , or an external assembly may provide it .

  5. 在实际应用中,通过Matlab外部程序接口技术,该仿真结果已经很好地应用到了某智能作战指挥决策系统中。

    In practice , the simulation result has been applied to an operational command system using outer program interface technique of Matlab .

  6. VRML与外部程序交互的研究

    Research on the Interaction of VRML and External Program

  7. 主子系统用ADAMS建模并求解。辅子系统由用户自编外部程序建模并求解。借助双圆弧齿轮CAD系统,加快了设计进程,缩短了研制周期,提高了设计质量。

    Host subsystem is modeled and solved with ADAMS , and secondary subsystem is modeled and solved by user subroutine .

  8. 文中给出的方法可作为Matlab环境中编制数据采集与处理程序,以及开发Matlab与外部程序接口时参考。

    The solutions are provided in this paper can help to develop data acquisition and processing programs or interfaces between Matlab and external programs .

  9. VRML外部程序的应用研究

    Research and Application of VRML External Program

  10. 我们用XML作为设定档的格式,因为XML容易被外部程序编辑,而不会意外地损坏设定文件该有的结构和语法。

    XML was chosen as a configuration file format because it provides a format which is easy for external agents to edit while retaining the correct structure and syntax .

  11. 为了解决这些问题,系统采用基于WEBService的分布式多层体系结构,通过WEBService实现不同系统间的交互和外部程序调用系统内部的业务逻辑;

    To resolve all these problems , system use a distributed multilayer structure base on web service , realize communication during different system and external program call business logic in the system through web service ;

  12. 这是因为shellexec()允许您通过shell运行外部程序,然后以字符串的形式返回结果。

    That 's because shell_exec () lets you run an external program via the shell , then returns the result as a string .

  13. 但是需要显式声明该变量并告诉查询外部程序这里就是Java程序将定义该变量。

    But you need to declare that variable explicitly , and let the query know that something external in this case , the Java program will define that variable for use .

  14. 本文在探讨MATLAB语言与外部程序的接口方法的基础上,首次解决MicrosoftvisualC++语言最新的。

    This text is on the basis of probing into MATLAB language and interactive method with the outside program , solve Microsoft Visual C + + language for the first time .

  15. Java和C函数可以在外部程序中使用,或者直接在引擎中与用户定义例程(UDR)一起使用。

    The Java and C functions can be used in external programs , or directly inside the engine with User Defined Routines ( UDRs ) .

  16. 一种方法是将外部程序注册为存储过程,然后使用SQLCall语句调用存储过程来运行程序。

    One method is to register the external program as a stored procedure and then use the SQL Call statement to run the program with a call to the stored procedure .

  17. 描述了Matlab外部程序接口的结构,重点论述了在无Matlab环境下使用Matlab计算功能的方法&利用Matlab外部程序接口创建通用的动态链接库。

    The paper describes the structure of Matlab external program interface , and mainly discusses the method using Matlab calculation function : establishing dynamic link library using Matlab external program interface .

  18. 并对系统开发中用到的关键技术:实时数据库建立、数据挖掘应用以及Matlab与外部程序接口进行了讨论。

    Discusses key technologies , including the process of data base setting , the application of data mining , the interface design of Matlab and external program , and so on .

  19. 对用TURBOPASCAL3.0实现的并发设施作了修改,修改后的子程序收入两个外部程序单元。

    A modification of concurrent facilities which are implemented by using Turbo Pascal 3.0 is presented . The modified routines are collected in two units .

  20. 如果愿意,可以考虑用GnuPG::Encrypt提供的其他选项替换外部程序调用和设置。

    If desired , consider replacing the external program calls and settings with other options enabled by the use of GnuPG : : Encrypt .

  21. 即一个外部程序对系统进行ping测试,如果系统不响应ping测试,就会触发警报。

    That is , an external program pings the system , and if the system does not respond to the ping , then an alarm is raised .

  22. 如果外部程序无法将错误记录到msdb表,则会将错误记录到windows应用程序事件日志。

    In the event that the external program cannot log to the MSDB tables , the program logs errors to the windows application event log .

  23. 考虑到GIS二次开发语言的局限性,利用外部程序语言开发了毒气扩散浓度空间分布的计算程序,动态链接到GIS系统中来实现模拟。

    Considering the limitation of developing language ( Avenue ) in GIS , the calculating procedures of poison gas density spatial distribution nearby leakage source were developed by using Visual C + + and dynamically linked to the GIS system .

  24. bashshell包含两类命令:内部的内置命令和外部程序(或外部筛选器和命令,它们通常是自含的二进制程序文件)。

    The bash shell contains two types of commands : builtins , which are internal , and external programs ( or external filters and commands ), which are typically self-contained binary program files .

  25. 在加密阶段,当前输入的事件文本将存储在磁盘上,然后一个外部程序对它进行加密,加密后的文件将被读入并发送到Google服务器。

    In the encryption stage , the currently entered event text will be stored on disk , an external program will encrypt it , and then the encrypted file will be read in and sent to Google 's servers .

  26. 自动构建系统是自动调用外部程序的“胶合代码”,而bash非常适合于这种类型的应用。

    An auto-build system is " glue code " that automates the calling of external programs , and bash is very well suited to this type of application .

  27. 它像passthru()一样直接输出从外部程序接收到的任何东西。

    Like passthru (), it outputs anything it receives directly from the external program .

  28. passthru()允许您运行外部程序,并在屏幕上显示结果。

    The passthru () command lets you run an external program and display its results on the screen .

  29. 另一种方法将使用专用函数来运行外部程序。

    The other method uses proprietary functions to run the external programs .

  30. 基于构件的外部程序管理器的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of an External Program Manager Based on Component