
  • 网络External Bus;peripheral bus;E-BUS;communication bus
  1. 我们将外总线技术引入可穿戴计算机的硬件接口设计,通过总线上的连接器BOX将外设挂接在总线上。

    In this design , I 'd like to introduce the peripheral bus to the wearable computer interface design .

  2. 飞机测试系统有别于其他测试系统,通常采用分布式的测试框架,而且对测试系统的外总线的要求非常苛刻,它要求总线上的数据传输有实时性,并对带宽的要求较高。

    The plane test system is often different from other test systems , which usually involes the distributed framwork and is rigorous to outside buses , eg. real-time , high bandwidth .

  3. 本文以电子技术、测试技术和计算机技术为核心,利用A/D转换、单片机、串行总线以及计算机软件构成了一套完整的外总线式计算机数据采集系统。

    In the thesis , the electron technology , testing technique and computer technology are used . It is a integral computer data collecting system with outer-bus which contains A / D conversion , single-chip computer , series bus and computer software .

  4. 提出了一种由用户以太网系统和附加的平衡结构外,总线互连系统组成以太网监控的双独立互连系统。

    A new Ethernet monitoring system structure is put forward which consists of Ethernet system and outer-bus interconnection system of accessional balance structure .

  5. 本文先后介绍了论文的研究背景及意义,研究内容等,包括国内外现场总线领域的发展概况。

    The research background , significance and content has been introduced in this paper , including the current situation and growth trend of field bus at home and abroad .

  6. 本文结合国内外串行总线技术和机载航电数据通信综合化的发展趋势,设计并实现了一种基于串行总线的航电数据通信系统。

    An avionics data communications system based on serial bus is designed and implemented in this thesis combined with the development of the serial bus technology and the integration of the airborne avionics both at home and abroad .

  7. 在粮仓外采用CAN总线技术将网络协调器汇集的信息通过CAN物理总线传送给监控中心。

    In the barn with a CAN bus technology will network coordinator ' scollection of information through physical bus CAN send the monitoring center .

  8. USB接口是在90年代兴起的新型的计算机外接设备的总线接口,发展到现在,已经是一个成熟的,被众多的计算机设备厂商所广泛采用的接口技术。

    USB is a kind of new technique developed from the 90 ' s. Now it is matured and adopted by more and more computer device manufactures .

  9. 作为处理器的片外接口,系统总线部件直接影响着存储系统的效能。

    As an external interface of the processor , system bus component affects the efficiency of memory system directly .

  10. 本研究从汽车局域网入手,主要研究了国内外汽车局域网CAN总线的发展与现状;

    This paper start from the vehicle LAN , mainly studied the development of the CAN-bus used in advanced automobiles in the world .

  11. 为此,概括介绍了CAN总线的基础知识、主要特性以及国内外拖拉机应用CAN总线技术的现状,指出了在拖拉机上应用CAN总线控制技术的前景。

    The paper mainly introduces the based concept about the CAN bus and the application of the advanced CAN bus technology in the tractor .