
  • 网络refrigerator;fridge;Freezer
  1. 涂上腌料,以密实袋装好,放在雪柜腌过夜。

    Marinate with seasoning in zip-lock bags , and leave overnight in refrigerator .

  2. 领取综援金过活的阿莲的雪柜是由社会服务团体捐赠的。

    Ah Lin 's refrigerator is secondhand , donated by a social service organisation .

  3. 是否连电话、煮食炉和雪柜?

    Does it come with a phone , stove and fridge ?

  4. 然而,他们已拥有电视和雪柜。

    However , they have already possessed television sets and refrigerators .

  5. 这是你心目中之三人家庭的雪柜吗?

    This is how your fridge looks like of three-family members ?

  6. 在港岛半山住宅的雪柜里,放着的多半外国进口的食品。

    Refrigerators in the Mid-levels tend to store imported food .

  7. 要确保把它放在雪柜里。

    Make sure to keep it in the fridge .

  8. 是啊。这些就是我同学存在雪柜里的石榴!

    Yes , these are the pomegranates that my former classmate kept in the refrigerator .

  9. 而所有家庭电器包括雪柜、微波炉、洗碗碟机都是随楼附送。

    The appliances include refrigerator , micro-wave oven , dish-washer and are included in the price .

  10. 一对年轻中产夫妇的雪柜里,差不多尽是雪糕和甜点。

    Fridges of young middle-class couples may be filled with ice cream and other things sweet .

  11. 伏特加在冰格,红牛在雪柜顶。

    Grey Goose is in the freezer . Red Bull 's on top of the ' fridge .

  12. 在一只中间部分略有深度的碟上涂油,将生肉饼放入铺平,用保鲜纸包好后置雪柜雪冻一小时;

    Grease a saucer and put in the patty , cover the plate with cling film , then refrigerate it for an hour .

  13. 全部雪柜型号配销,打开门时,雪柜亮橙,另有微型开关停止蒸发器风扇转动,减少冷量往外流失。

    All models are equipped with key locks and micro-switch to cut out fan operation and light up the lamp when the door is opened .

  14. 适用设备:冰箱、空调、雪柜、电视机、洗衣机、电脑、电热水器、消毒柜等电器设备全部适用。

    Applicable devices : Air conditioner , refrigerator , freezer , washing machine , TV set , computer , electric water heater , clean cabinet and other electric appliances .

  15. 她的雪柜总是堆满大包小包和不同器皿储存的食物,一方面是为了使温度过低的雪柜不会太冷,但更重要的大量购买同款食物,平均价格会更便宜&这是阿莲的购物原则。

    Her fridge has food in different packages and containers . A rule of thumb for her is to buy food in bulk : the unit price will be lower .

  16. 政府建议将雪柜、气机和紧凑型荧光灯(电胆)入首阶段的强制性标签计划。

    The Government proposed to include three products - refrigerating appliances , room air conditioners and compact fluorescent lamps - in the initial phase of the mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling scheme .

  17. 我曾经使用雪柜中馀下来的洋葱,有时我不会使用整个洋葱,馀下来的会留为下次使用。

    I have used an onion which has been left in the fridge , and sometimes I don 't use a whole one at one time , so save the other half for later .

  18. 如果您雪柜里有食物、有衣服可穿、有床可睡、有房子住,那您比这世界上75%的人富有。

    If you have food in your refrigerator , clothes to wear , a roof on your head and a place to sleep , you are richer than the75 % of the people who live on this Earth .