
  • 网络Sorbet;Sherbet;Sherpa
  1. 据《纽约邮报》报道,这套大餐的菜单上有五道菜,首先是两磅奥斯特拉鱼子酱和香梨沙拉,还有奶酪和坚果。接下来是红酒和柠檬雪葩,主菜是神户牛排和与黑松露蒸南非龙虾。

    The five-course menu begins with two pounds of Osetra caviar and a salad with poached pears , goat cheese and macadamia nuts . The next course features wine and a lemon sorbet , while the main course is a Kobe steak and a South African lobster tail with black truffle , the New York Post reported .