
  • 网络French onion soup;Soupe à l'oignon
  1. 法式洋葱汤,您的色拉要哪种酱?

    French onion soup , sir , what dressing would you like for your salad ?

  2. 鱿鱼搭配微火碳烤的洋葱和柠檬罗勒,尝起来滋味柔甜,微妙无比;餐后甜点是尝起来像法式洋葱汤的冰淇淋,回味丰厚,对以果蔬为主的清爽美食进行了适当而及时的补充。

    Squid , paired with charred onions and lemon basil , was exquisitely supple and sweet , and dessert was a fitting , fetching cap to a meal with such a vegetal , herbaceous bent : ice cream that tasted like French onion soup .