
shēnɡ zhǎnɡ dài
  • Growth zone;zone of growth
  1. N是该生态系中浮游植物的限制因子,P限制状况只有在珊瑚礁生长带较深的海域出现,Si呈相对富足状态。

    N is the restrictive factor for plant plankton in this ecosystem , P is restrictive only in the deeper waters with coral reef growth zones , Si is relatively abundant .

  2. 本文依据珊瑚骨骼生长带X射线成像原理,利用计算机的数字化和影像处理功能,提出了珊瑚骨骼生长带数字影像分析的方法,能获得较传统方法更高分辨率和精度的珊瑚生长信息。

    According to the X-ray imaging principle of skeletal band , this paper provides image analyzing methods of coral skeletal band by using digitalization and image procedures of computer . The methods can acquire growth information of coral with higher resolution and precision than conventional methods .

  3. 结果表明,当表层材料通过最大冰晶生长带的时间小于约25min时,材料表层对水蒸气的渗透阻力明显增大,在冻干中表层以下的材料温升较快并出现融化。

    It has been found that the resistance at the surface of carrot is too large for water vapor to pass through and as a result , melting happens on carrot if the time of passing the maximum crystal zone is less than 25 min.

  4. 红树林生长带与潮汐水位关系的研究

    The relationship between Mangrove zone on tidal flats and tidal levels

  5. 我们进入了松树生长带。

    We enter the domain of the pine trees .

  6. 完整的贝壳堤体系应包括海岸贝类生长带(潮滩下部和潮下带)潮滩侵蚀带贝壳堤堤后泻湖;

    A complete chenier system should include living shellfish belt , tidal flat erosion belt , chenier , and lagoon .

  7. 发现晶体中存在有孪晶界、位错、生长带和亚结构等多种缺陷。

    The results showed that in the specimens there exist crystal defects such as twin boundary , dislocation , growth bands and substructure .

  8. 胚基具有生长带,纵向伸长长度大,胚基的上部参与形成胚根鞘,其余部分干缩后附在胚根鞘末端。

    As to the hypoblast there is a growth belt , which promotes elongation of the hypoblast . Eventually the upper portion of the hypoblast contributes to the formation of the coleorhiza and the remainder dries up , sticking to the end of the coleorhiza .

  9. MOCVD生长GaN中带尾和激子发光特性研究

    Photoluminescence properties of band tail and exciton on GaN grown by MOCVD

  10. 试论生长逆断层带的活动及其油气勘探问题

    A preliminary approach on growth thrust fault belts and their oil and gas exploration

  11. 胎儿颈部透明带厚度检测在产前筛查中的应用卵泡和卵母细胞双向生长,透明带厚度与卵母细胞直径成相关不显著。

    There were no significant relation between the diameter of oocyte and thickness of ZP .

  12. 能够在温暖的海水里畅游,在生长于温和气候带、摇曳的棕榈树下闲坐,与寒冷的北方冬天相比,这种改变令人心旷神怡。

    Swimming in the warm ocean water , and sitting underneath waving palm trees in a mild climate , was a pleasant change from the cold northern winters .

  13. 可是终于有一天,大巫师卡纳出现了,他想毁灭你生长的国土然后带上你的王冠!

    You , the King , are going to struggle for emancipation and free your people and your neighbours .

  14. 目的儿童创伤愈合后的瘢痕组织挛缩影响外形、功能及局部生长发育,应用带血运的游离皮瓣移植效果良好。

    Objective To improve surgical results we have applied the free parascapular flap in children for facial or cervical burn scar contracture .

  15. 当他把他冬天生长出的产品带回家中,呈现在他的亲友面前时,博士就得到了极大的光荣与声誉。

    and the Doctor 's glory and reputation were great , when he took his wintry growth home to his relations and friends .

  16. 结果表明:不带卵壳收蚁其疏毛率、起蚕率、生长发育进度优于带壳卵收蚁;

    The results showed that the setae dispersion , newly molted silkworm larvae ratio , the growth and development of young silkworm were better when the newly hatched larvae was collected without egg shells .

  17. 生产力的变化对于理解环境变迁有重要的作用,浮游有孔虫和钙质超微生物是海洋中最重要的初级生产者之一,主要生长在上部透光带,是表层海水生产力的主要贡献者。

    Variation of growing ability is vital to comprehension of environmental transition . Planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nanofossil are two of the most primary producers , which grow mainly in upper euphotic zones and are main contributors of surface water growing abilities .

  18. α-Fe/Nd2Fe14B纳米晶织构的形成和生长受合金薄带在凝固过程中热流梯度的控制。

    This demonstrates that the formation and the growth of the crystal texture in the α - Fe / Nd2Fe14 B nanocomposites result from the large temperature gradient normal to the free surface of the ribbons during the process of rapid solidification .

  19. 生长季内,落叶松带土壤的速效磷浓度远高于水曲柳带,最高可达3.50mg/100g,是后者的2&3倍。

    The available phosphate contents of the soil in the dahurian larch belt were much higher than those in the manchurian ash belt during the growing season , with the highest value of 3.50mg / 100g , 2 & 3 times of the latter .

  20. 可是他在博士的温室中一直继续生长着,生长着,生长着。当他把他冬天生长出的产品带回家中,呈现在他的亲友面前时,博士就得到了极大的光荣与声誉。

    But he went on blow , blow , blowing , in the Doctor 's hothouse , all the time ; and the Doctor 's glory and reputation were great , when he took his wintry growth home to his relations and friends .