
  • 网络River of life
  1. 老人已是美丽的,如果他们的生命之河。

    Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been .

  2. 由于塔里木河流经沙漠,故被称为生命之河。

    Running across deserts , it has been known as the " river of life " .

  3. 因为我在生命之河,

    For , washed in life 's river ,

  4. 问:可是,执着的砂砾还在那儿,就在生命之河中呀。

    Questioner : But the boulder of attachment is there , in this river of life .

  5. 湘江是湖南的母亲河,是孕育湖湘文明的生命之河。

    Xiangjiang is the mother river of the Hunan and gives birth to the Hunan civilization .

  6. 生命之河在黑暗中流淌

    Life Drifting in the Darkness

  7. 烛照生命之河

    The river of life

  8. 当启明燃灭了光辉,我们在隐暗的生命之河上为自己的青春出殡。

    We are holding a funeral procession of our youth along on the shady river while the phosphor burned out the blaze .

  9. 如果生命之河穿越了平原、高山和丛林,人到老年也是美的。

    If the river of life has smoothly crossed plains , high mountains and woods , you are beautiful even if you are getting old .

  10. 除此之外,开心已请一位音乐家将我的诗作"生命之河″谱曲。

    In addition , Kai Xin had asked a musician to compose a song using my poem , The River of Lives , as its lyric .

  11. 当生命之河一一经历了平原、高山和树林,老年人便会是美丽的。

    Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been , through plains , mountains and jungles , running its course as it should .

  12. 托克逊县南部区土地沙漠化现状与自然因素在沙漠化的作用由于塔里木河流经沙漠,故被称为生命之河。

    Status and Role of Natural Factors in Desertification in the Southern Region of Toksun County Running across deserts , it has been known as the " river of life " .

  13. 我常常感受我的心跳和脉搏,计算我的生命之河有多少次起伏,要让短暂的生命迸发出热情的火花。

    I often feel my beating heart and bounding pulse , counting how many waves my life of river can roll up . I will make my transient life throw off sparks .

  14. “暹罗的生命之河”(暹罗是泰国旧称),一个设立在泰国清迈的非营利性组织,已经呼吁泰国政府“立即停止所有澜沧江-湄公河流域的水电站工程与河流开发。”

    Living River Siam , a nonprofit based in Chiang Mai , Thailand , has called on governments to " immediately stop all works on hydropower and river development on the Lancang-Mekong . "

  15. 正像佛教所说的,直接追寻生命的意义是无益的:最好的办法是让自己浸入生命之河中,让这个问题自己漂走。

    The explicit pursuit of purpose-in-life is , as the Buddha taught , not edifying : it is best to immerse oneself into the river of life and let the question drift away .