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  • steady state approximation
  1. 这会是稳态近似。

    And this is going to be the steady state approximation .

  2. 那么这是稳态近似。

    So this is steady state approximation .

  3. 在稳态近似下通过Fokker-Planck方程,用复矩阵连分数方法研究了裂变速率。

    The fission rate in the steady approximation is calculated from the Fokker-Planck equation by means of a complex matrix continued fraction method .

  4. 该方程是一非线性方程,在部分因子的稳态近似假设之下,方程被线性化,用Laplace积分变换法我们获得了问题的解。

    The governing equation is nonlinear one . We linearized the governing equa-tion by assuming that partial facter is at steady state . With Laplace transform we obtain an analytical solution of the problem .

  5. 理论分析表明脉冲激光泵浦下的光波混频过程仍可用稳态近似计算混频光强。非线性极化系数X不仅与基态布居数也与激发态布居数有关。

    Theoretical analysis shows that steady state approximation is still valid for calculating intensities of pulsed laser pumped wave-mixing processes , x ( 5 ) is determined not only by the population of the ground state but also by the populations of the excited states .

  6. 这两个例子在对稳态近似的,使用方面基本上很相似。

    The two examples are basically very similar in their use of the steady state approximation .

  7. 这很慢并不要紧,从使用稳态近似的角度。

    It doesn 't really matter that this is slow in terms of using the steady state approximation .

  8. 如果我们对图解用稳态近似法去处理,则推导出的方程比较复杂。

    If we use the steady state approximation to treat this scheme , the equations derived are more complex .

  9. 讨论了稳态近似法和速控法在处理复杂反应机理中的应用。

    The application of steady state approximation and rate controlling step methods in the process of complicated reaction mechanism were studied .

  10. 所以这允许这个,这个更快的事实,允许我们使用稳态近似。

    So this allows this , this fact that this is faster , that allows us to use a steady state approximation .

  11. 稳态近似法的重要性是,它大大简化了在复杂的连串反应途径中速度方程的求解。

    The importance of the steady state approximation is that it greatly simplifies the solution of the rate equations in complex consecutive reaction pathways .

  12. 它是稳态近似,其中一个速率,生成中间产物的速率十分缓慢,或用掉中间产物的速率十分快。

    Which is the steady state approximation , where one rate , the rate to go into the intermediate is very slow , or the rate to get out of the intermediate is very fast .

  13. 方法:以细胞实际信号传递过程为基础、以准稳态近似为原则,利用微分方程建立数学模型模拟肌醇磷脂的代谢过程。

    MEHTODS : Based on the cellular signal transduction and the Law of the Quasi Steady State Approximation , the metabolizability of inositol phospholipid was simulated by making use of mathematical model of differential equations .

  14. 所介绍的内插模型是对fBm的一个局部稳态的近似,由此产生的几何纹理细节不论在视觉上还是在精度上都更接近真实地形。

    Since the stochastic midpoint displacement model introduced by the authors is a locally stationary approximation to fBm , it can produce more visual acceptable and more accurate geometric texture details .

  15. 基波谐振串联铁磁电路的稳态频域近似分析

    On the Frequency-Domain Steady-State Analysis of Series Ferroresonant-Circuits

  16. 大平板第一类边界条件下非稳态传热近似解析解

    The Approximate Analytical Solution of Unsteady Heat Transfer on Large Plate Under The First Boundary Condition

  17. 我们会再来看这个近似,当我们学到更复杂的机理后,它会成为这个稳态的近似。

    We 're going to revisit this approximation here when we get to more complicated mechanisms , it 's going to become this steady state approximation .

  18. 本文采用适用于强非线性高阶微分方程的等效小参量法,对基波谐振串联铁磁电路作稳态频域近似分析。

    In the paper the equivalent small-parameter method , suitable for strongly nonlinear systems , is used for frequency - domain steady-state analysis of series ferroresonant circuits .

  19. 在瞬态情况下,密度起伏还没有和温度变化达到一致,此时用准稳态热近似的方法将大大高估纳秒时域激光脉冲作用下的激发态热折射。

    In transient regime , because the density fluctuation is inconsistent with the temperature change , the ESTR with nanosecond pulses irradiance will be overrated greatly by using the quasi-steady thermal approximation method .

  20. 偏心环空中牛顿流体稳态波动压力近似解

    Approximate solution of stable fluctuation pressure of Newtonian fluid in eccentric annular

  21. 在建立同心环空波动压力的精确模式基础上,求解了偏心环空稳态波动压力的近似解。

    On the basis of concentric annular fluctUation pressure model , approximate solution of eccentric annular was soluted .

  22. 笔者称结构稳定的情形为结构稳态,称旋律近似的情形为旋律稳态。

    The author calls structural stability for the situations of structural stable , whereas melodic stability for the approximate melodies . 3 .