
  1. 居民和商业垃圾分类处理,也是值得推广的低碳模式。

    Waste classification in residential areas and commercial areas are also worth promoting .

  2. 阜新市垃圾分类处理系统研究

    Research on the Classifying Treatment System of the Domestic Solid Waste in Fuxin City

  3. 高校率先实行垃圾分类处理的重要性

    The importance of disposing trash under different classifications first in the institutes and higher learning

  4. 校园垃圾分类回收处理与节约资源的探讨

    Discussion on the Campus ' Classified Garbage Recovery Disposal and Resources Conservation

  5. 垃圾的分类处理可以节省回收成本;

    Sorting the daily garbage into different trash cans could decrease the cost of recycling .

  6. 广州城市生活垃圾分类收集处理方法初探

    The beginning exploration of the categorized collection and the categorized treatment method of waste disposal of Guangzhou

  7. 对校园垃圾分类回收处理的意义、可行性、措施进行了探讨。

    This paper probes into the significance , feasibility and concrete measures of carrying out the classified garbage recovery and disposal .

  8. 建立垃圾分类收运处理系统,完善废旧物品回收体系。

    The system for separate collection , transportation and treatment of domestic refuse will be improved , and the system for waste recycle will be well developed .

  9. 校园垃圾分类回收处理可大幅减少垃圾增加带来的污染、节约垃圾无害化处理费用、有利于资源再利用。

    The campus ' classified garbage recovery and disposal , which can greatly reduce the pollution caused by the increase of the garbage and cut down the cost of the garbage harmless deposal , is beneficial to the re-utilization of the resources .

  10. 城市垃圾分类收集与分类处理的科学性与前景

    Vista and Scientificalness of Urban Waste Sorting Collecting and Sorting Treatment

  11. 北京市垃圾的分类回收及处理

    Waste Recycle Sorting and Treatment in Beijing

  12. 建立绿色社会消费体系,实施垃圾的分类收集和处理,加强废旧物资的回收管理是循环社会建设的关键;

    It is important for circular society to establish the system of green social consumption , carry out collecting and disposing garbages in sort , and to reinforce the management of callback deposed foreign capital .

  13. 新型的垃圾分类收运与焚烧处理综合技术体系下,垃圾焚烧炉的处理效率显著提高,在降低助燃系统能耗的同时可显著提升垃圾焚烧过程炉膛温度。

    The treatment efficiency of incinerator was improved and the temperature of incinerator furnace was continuously higher during the combustion process . By the newly established MSW source-classified collection and incineration system , the net enery output of the waste heat boiler increased significantly .

  14. 与已有的垃圾处理方法比较,垃圾块体填埋法有自己的特点,以社区为单元的垃圾源头分类投放、收集和预处理,能使垃圾实现分类化处理;

    Compared to existent methods , landfill method of garbage block has its characters , which includes classification throwing , collection and predispose of garbage that make garbage disposal classification ;