
  • 网络Waste composting;garbage composting;garbage compost
  1. 在垃圾堆肥中酞酸酯剂量为197μg/g的水平下,将降解菌回接堆肥后,不动杆菌属和混合菌对酞酸酯的降解率最高,分别达到72%和69%。

    At a concentration of 197 μ g / g of phthalates in garbage compost and after the strains were inoculated into the compost , the degradation rates of phthalates by Acinetobacter and the mixed strains were highest , and as high as 72 % and 69 % , respectively .

  2. 城市生活垃圾堆肥及垃圾专用肥对柑桔增产效应

    Effect of garbage compost and special-purpose fertilizer on citrus production

  3. 微生物生物量C、N含量,土壤有机质,全N,有效P含量,呼吸强度及纤维分解强度均随垃圾堆肥施用量提高而增加,并呈显著的正相关性。

    The microbial biomass C , N contents , organic matters , total N. available P. respiratory intensity and cellulose - decomposing capacity in soil were increasing with increasing application of refuse compost .

  4. 从电导率、pH值、E4/E6、固相C/N、GI等指标来看,10个区间的垃圾堆肥均达到了基本腐熟。

    Assessing EC , pH , E4 / E6 , C / N and GI as the index , 10 spaces of MSW composts all reached the primary maturities .

  5. 利用外源微生物(美商复合菌,MS;东农发酵菌,DN)进行城市生活垃圾堆肥。在堆肥过程中,系统地分析了腐殖酸组分的动态变化。

    Inoculating microbes ( Meishang compound microbes , MS ; Dongnong fermentation microbes , DN ) on municipal solid wastes composting , study on the dynamic changes of humic substance .

  6. 翻堆工艺对0~15mm垃圾堆肥腐熟度空间变异影响研究

    The Impact of Turning Techniques on 0 ~ 15 mm Municipal Solid Waste Composting Maturity Spatial Variation

  7. APDC-MIBK萃取火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定生活垃圾堆肥产品中铅、镉的研究

    Determination of Lead and Cadmium in the Composting Products of Domestic Waste by APDC-MIBK Extraction Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

  8. 结果表明:经过14d的高温静态发酵,10个区间的垃圾堆肥物理组分均发生了明显变化;垃圾堆肥含水率均未达到一次发酵结束时的要求;

    After high temperature fermentation of 14 days , 10 spaces of MSW compost in static tunnel had different maturities : the ratios of water all fail to meet the requirements of the first ending of fermentation .

  9. 生活垃圾堆肥对难溶性磷有效性的影响

    Effect of Municipal Solid Waste Composting on Availability of Insoluble Phosphate

  10. 沈阳市源分类有机生活垃圾堆肥研究

    Investigations on Composting of Source Sorting Organic Domestic Waste in Shenyang

  11. 垃圾堆肥工艺过程动态模拟及优化研究

    Study on dynamic simulation of composting processes for domestic solid wastes

  12. 浅论南宁市生活垃圾堆肥技术的可持续发展

    Introduction of continuable development of compost technology for treating household garbage

  13. 提高攀枝花市生活垃圾堆肥质量的研究

    Study on Improvement Quality of Domestic Waste Compost in Panzhihua City

  14. 垃圾堆肥高效复合微生物菌剂的制备

    Study on Preparation Technology of Complex Microbial Community in Composting Process

  15. 浅谈锡山市垃圾堆肥处理

    Discussion on Compost of Garbage Disposal in Xishan City , China

  16. 国外大学校园垃圾堆肥技术与应用

    Technology and Application of Campus Composting in Foreign Universities RUBBISH

  17. 城市生活垃圾堆肥技术与市场的协同发展

    Coordination and Development of Domestic Waste Composting Technology with Market

  18. 城市生活垃圾堆肥处理的微生物特性研究

    Study on the microbial characterization of municipal solid waste compost

  19. 城市生活垃圾堆肥复合菌剂的前期开发研究

    The Primary Research on Complex Microbial Community in Municipal Solid Waste Composting

  20. 城市生活垃圾堆肥的成分变化及腐熟度评价

    Evaluation of Component Changes and Maturity During Composting Municipal Garbage

  21. 城市生活垃圾堆肥-紫色土蔬菜种植试验研究

    Composting of Domestic Refuse - Test of Vegetable Growth on Purple Soil

  22. 我国城市生活垃圾堆肥技术的工程应用

    Engineering Application of Urban Domestic Waste Composting Technology in China

  23. 中德生物垃圾堆肥相关标准之比较

    Comparison of Compost Standards for Bio-wastes Between Germany and China

  24. 生活垃圾堆肥分阶段反应动力学研究

    Study on municipal solid waste composting kinetics of different stages

  25. 城市生活垃圾堆肥发酵中微生物菌群变化规律的研究

    Study on Variation of Microbial Community in Urban Domestic Wastes Composting Process

  26. 温度对生活垃圾堆肥效率的影响

    Effects of temperature on composting process of municipal solid waste

  27. 静态仓式城市生活垃圾堆肥的中试研究

    Pilot-plant-scale Study of Aerated Static Vessel System for Composting Municipal Solid Waste

  28. 能量自给型城市生活垃圾堆肥系统

    Energy Self-Supported Municipal Solid Waste ( MSW ) Composting System

  29. 城市生活垃圾堆肥过程中腐熟度指标及控制参数

    Maturity indexes and operational parameters during composting municipal solid waste

  30. 城市生活垃圾堆肥试验装置的设计

    Design of a composting reactor for municipal solid waste composting