
xù jī dú xìnɡ
  • Accumulated toxicity;cumulative toxicity
  1. 该剂对小鼠经口LD50>10g/kg,为弱蓄积毒性;

    Its oral LD50 in mice was > 10 g / kg , be - longing to weak cumulative toxicity .

  2. 固体三元稳态ClO2急性经口、遗传及蓄积毒性研究

    Researches on the acute oral , heredity and cumulative toxicity of trinary solid stable chlorine dioxide disinfectant

  3. 蓄积毒性试验结果显示,蓄积系数K为4。

    The results of accumulative toxicity test showed that the accumulative coefficient K was 4 .

  4. 家禽组织中氯霉素残留ELISA检测与蓄积毒性的研究

    Detection of CAP Residues in Poultry by ELISA and Study on Accumulative Toxicity

  5. 肠宁(CN)的急性及蓄积毒性试验研究

    Studies on the Toxicity Test of CN

  6. 蓄积毒性试验表明,本品蓄积系数K>5,为弱蓄积;

    It belongs to non-toxic material . Store up toxicity experiment showed that the store up coefficient of the product is K > 5 and belongs to weak store up .

  7. 结论:结果提示长期应用RHIL-2不会产生蓄积毒性。

    Conclusion : RhIL-2 has no accumulated toxic effects in rats after a long-term administration .

  8. 为了缓解锌的毒性作用,机体则通过调节体内MT表达,从而对过量锌引起的蓄积毒性给予最大限度的保护作用。

    In order to alleviate the toxic effects of zinc , the body is given maximum protection to resist the excessive accumulation toxicity of Zinc via regulating the expression of MT.

  9. 目的研究三苯基铋(TPB)的亚急性毒性、蓄积毒性和致突变作用,为其在固体推进剂中的应用及防护提供毒理学依据。

    Objective To study the sub-acute toxicity , cumulative toxicity and mutagenicity of triphenyl bismuth ( TPB ) in mice .

  10. 目的:探询麻痹性贝毒(PSP)可能存在的蓄积毒性作用和远期毒性,为全面认识PSP危害提供参考和依据。

    AIM : In order to investigate the possible cumulative and chronic toxicity of paralytic shellfish poisoning ( PSP ) and provide more information on toxicity of PSP .

  11. 方法将KM小鼠随机分为雌、雄2组,进行急性经口半数致死量(LD50)试验和蓄积毒性试验。

    Methods The KM mice were randomly divided into female and male groups , the experiment of the LD50 of p-dichlorobenzene by acute oral intake and the cumulative toxicity test had been conducted .

  12. 通过葡萄糖酸铜的食品安全性评价表明,葡萄糖酸铜是中等急性毒性(LD(50)为41mg/kg)和弱蓄积毒性的化学物质。

    The food safety evaluation of copper gluconate showed that it is a chemical with median acute toxicity ( the LD_ ( 50 ) for mice was 419mg / kg ), but without the accumulation of toxicity .

  13. 设0.04、0.2和1.0g/kg体重三个剂量组,进行亚急性毒性试验,观察二氧化氯消毒液对妊娠大鼠的致畸胎性和对大鼠的蓄积毒性作用。

    W in SD rats . A subacute toxic study was conducted by setting another 3 different dose groups with 0.04,0.2 and 1.0g/kg . b.

  14. 蓄积毒性试验:直至第21d,也未见实验动物死亡,根据蓄积系数评价标准,K>5,即苯甲酸钠为有轻度蓄积作用的防腐剂。

    Accumulation toxicity test : Until the 21 ~ ( st ) day , there were no dead animals . According to the standard of accumulation coefficient , K > 5 , so Sodium Benzoate is an antiseptic which has the function of lightly accumulation .

  15. 通过大、小鼠的急性毒性试验和大鼠蓄积毒性试验及遗传毒性试验表明,康脂口服液的LD50大于10.00g/kg.bw,实属无毒物质;

    Acute toxicity experiments on rats and mice , and store up toxicity and hereditary toxicity experiments on rats were done . The results showed that LD50 of " Healthy Blood Fat Oral Liquid " was over 10.00g/kg . bw .

  16. 结论纳米HAP在家兔无明显蓄积毒性,提示当用量远远小于最小致死剂量时,纳米HAP可作为药物载体,甚至在将来可能作为一种新型的抗癌药物,经静脉安全应用。

    Conclusion Nano-hydroxyapatite has no accumulative toxicity to rabbits , it is suggested that it is safe when the hydroxyapatite-sol was applied intravenously as a drug carrier in small dosage more less than the medium lethal dose , even as a kind of anticancer drug .

  17. 脲酶抑制剂的急性和蓄积毒性研究

    Study on acute toxicity and stored toxicity of urease inhibitor

  18. 无蓄积毒性,无致微核作用。

    It had no cumulative toxicity and did not induce micronucleus formation .

  19. 喹乙醇具有一定的蓄积毒性、遗传毒性和诱变性等毒理作用。

    Olaquindox has the toxic function of cumulation , heredity and seduction .

  20. 纳米氧化铜对小白鼠的急性毒性及蓄积毒性试验研究

    Acute Toxicity and Accumulate Toxicity Test of Nano-CuO in Mice

  21. 为了评估国产妥曲珠利的安全性,采用改良寇氏法和剂量定期递增法,分别进行了妥曲珠利对小鼠的经口急性毒性和蓄积毒性试验。

    Acute toxic test in mice was determined by improved Karber method .

  22. 特丁净致突变性与蓄积毒性实验研究

    Study on the Mutagenicity and Cumulative Toxicity of Terbutryn

  23. 喹乙醇对鲤鱼蓄积毒性的研究

    Study on Cumulative Toxicity of Olaquindox in Common Carp

  24. 蓄积毒性K>5,为弱蓄积性;

    The cumulative toxicity K was > 5 which belongs to weak accumulation .

  25. 盐酸环丙沙星在雏鸡体内蓄积毒性的研究

    A Study on Accumulative Toxicity of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride in the Body of Chicks

  26. 蓄积毒性试验为弱蓄积毒性;

    Cumulative toxicity test showed weak cumulative toxicity .

  27. 食盐对小鼠的急性毒性与蓄积毒性

    Acute and Accumulative Toxicity of Salt to Mice

  28. 对小鼠蓄积毒性不明显。

    The cumulative effects on mice by oral administration of the compound were not obvious .

  29. 褐煤中提取的腐植酸对小鼠急性及蓄积毒性试验

    The Acute and Accumulative Toxicity Test of Humic Acid Extracted from Brown Coal on Mice

  30. 大、小鼠急性毒性试验、小鼠蓄积毒性、耐受性试验和大、小鼠亚慢性毒性试验等一般毒性试验;

    The general , tests for acute , accumulative and subchronic toxicity in mice and rats ;