
  • 网络regenerative combustion technology;htac
  1. 目前对于钢包烘烤器的设计还没有较规范、完整的设计手册可供参考,尤其是蓄热式燃烧技术在钢包烘烤器上的应用更需进行开拓性的技术攻关。

    There is no canonical and integrated designing manual about the steel container heating device for reference . Especially the application of HTAC technology on the steel container heating device needs much more pioneer research .

  2. 蓄热式燃烧技术是一种全新的节能环保燃烧技术,而换向控制是蓄热式燃烧技术最关键的部分,不仅关系到节能效果,还关系到换向阀和蓄热体的使用寿命。

    HTAC technique is a new combustion technique that is advantageous to energy saving and environment protection . Changeover control is the most critical part in HTAC technique because it concerns effect of energy saving and use life of changeover valve and accumulator .

  3. 蓄热式燃烧技术具有节约燃料、提高热利用率、降低NOx排放量,减小设备尺寸等优点。

    Regenerative combustion is one kind of brand-new advanced combustion technology . It can save fuel , improve heat utilization efficiency , reduce the mass of NO_X and diminish the equipment dimension .

  4. 加热炉蓄热式燃烧技术用蜂窝体的研究与应用

    Investigation and Application of Honeycombs for Heating Furnace Regenerative Combustion Technology

  5. 蓄热式燃烧技术实际应用中几个问题的探讨

    Discussing on Some Problems in Practical Application of Regenerative Combustion Technology

  6. 蓄热式燃烧技术在有色熔铅炉的研究与运用

    Study and Application of Regenerative Burning Technology Used for Lead Smelting Furnace

  7. 蓄热式燃烧技术在钢包烘烤器上的应用

    Application of Regenerative Combustion Technology on Steel Container Heating Device

  8. 蓄热式燃烧技术在大型企业使用时应探索的几个问题

    Some Problems Should Be Researched About Regenerative Technique Using in Large-scale Enterprises

  9. 蓄热式燃烧技术在钢丝连续热处理中的应用

    Application of Accumulation Heat Burning Technology to Continuous Heat Treatment for Steel Wire

  10. 蓄热式燃烧技术综述高效蓄热式高炉煤气加热炉的应用

    SUMMARY ON REGENERATIVE COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY Application of High-performance Regenerative Blast-Furnace-Gas Fired Heating Furnace

  11. 空气单蓄热式燃烧技术在武钢加热炉上的应用

    Application of Air Pre-Heated Regenerative Combustion Technology on Reheating Furnace in Wuhan Steel

  12. 首钢中厚板厂蓄热式燃烧技术的应用研究

    Application and study of regenerative combustion technology in Shougang intermediate and thick board plant

  13. 加热炉采用蓄热式燃烧技术烧纯高炉煤气的方案分析

    Plans analysis on burning BFG on heating furnace by using high temperature air combustion

  14. 蓄热式燃烧技术促使钢铁企业燃料结构变革

    The regenerative combustion technology to promote the reformation of fuel structure in steel industry

  15. 蓄热式燃烧技术的开发与应用

    Development and Applications of Regenerative Combustion Technique

  16. 蓄热式燃烧技术在半连轧棒材机组的应用

    Briefly introduces the application scheme of regenerative technological in steel stick unit of half roll

  17. 蓄热式燃烧技术在洛铜熔铝炉改造中的应用

    Application of Regenerating Combustion Technology in the Transformation of Aluminum Melting Furnace in Luoyang Copper Processing Group

  18. 首钢中厚板厂1~加热炉蓄热式燃烧技术设计与应用

    Design & Application for heating furnace regenerative combustion used in Shougang medium plate plant 1 ~ # reheating furnace

  19. 介绍了蓄热式燃烧技术在青钢钰尊高线步进梁式加热炉设计中的应用情况。

    Introduces the applications of regenerative combustion technology in designing the walking-beam reheating furnace for Yuzun high wire in Qinggang .

  20. 蓄热式燃烧技术用于轧钢加热炉已有十余年。

    The heat accumulation combustion technology has been used in the heating furnace of steel rolling for more than 10 years .

  21. 结合蓄热式燃烧技术的运用,分析了目前蓄热式燃烧技术存在的问题,探讨解决的方法。

    Referring the application of regenerator burning technology , this paper analyzes the problem in regenerator burning technology and discusses the way to settle the problem .

  22. 分析了蓄热式燃烧技术应用中蓄热体设计、空气和煤气喷口设计、点火装置设计和换向方式设计4个实际问题。

    This paper analyses the four problems about the regenerator , air and gas orifice , ignition unit and switching style in practical application of regenerative combustion technology .

  23. 本文在详细分析蓄热式燃烧技术的基础上,利用高温气化炉产生的煤气,对蓄热式高温炉进行了设计。

    Based on the detail about the Characteristics of Regenerative combustion , by the coal of the high temperature gasifying furnace , the regenerative reheating furnace is designed .

  24. 介绍燃热脏煤气在特钢加热炉上存在的问题和蓄热式燃烧技术在燃发生炉热脏煤气特钢加热炉上应用。

    This paper introduces the problem of the hot coal gas used in the heating furnace and the application of the regenerative combustion in the heating furnace burning the hot coal gas .

  25. 推广蓄热式燃烧技术、开发高风温热风炉技术、运用干熄焦、高炉、转炉干法除尘等技术,达到减少资源消耗和污染物排放的目的。

    The objectives of reducing resource consume and contamination discharge are reached by popularizing regenerative combustion technology , developing high blast temperature hot-blast stove technology and using coke dry quenching ( CDQ ) technology , blast furnace and converter dry dedusting technology .

  26. 介绍了蓄热式燃烧技术在合钢小型连轧步进式加热炉中的开发应用情况,说明蓄热式燃烧技术在轧钢加热炉上具有广泛的应用和推广价值。

    The paper mainly introduces the development and application of the regenerative combustion technology in the walking beam heating furnace of steel rolling and sets forth that the regenerative combustion technology will have more extensive application and commercial value in metallurgical furnace .

  27. 介绍了分侧分散换向蓄热式燃烧技术在加热炉上的应用及其主要特点。简要介绍了高温空气燃烧技术国内发展状况,并对其工作原理和主要设备组成进行了描述。

    The application and feature of separate switch regenerative technology on furnace are discussed . This article simply introduces the development of the High Temperature Air Combustion ( HTAC ) regenerative technology in our country , describes its work principle and the compose of key parts .

  28. 环形炉蓄热式数字化燃烧技术的研究与应用

    The research and application of HTAC on rotary reheating furnace

  29. 蓄热式高温燃烧技术在工业炉领域的应用

    Application of the regenerative high temperature combustion technology in industrial furnace field

  30. 在此介绍了蓄热式高温空气燃烧技术的原理,简述了国内外蓄热式高温空气燃烧技术的发展趋势。

    The development of heat storage high temperature air combustion technology was introduced .