
wéi qún
  • apron;pinafore;sarong;pinny;daidle
围裙 [wéi qún]
  • [apron;pinny;pinafore] 操作时围在身前保护衣服或身体的织物

围裙[wéi qún]
  1. 她在围裙上擦了擦沾满面粉的双手。

    She wiped her floury hands on her apron .

  2. 记得带一个围裙或者一件旧衬衫来,免得弄脏你的衣服。

    Remember to bring an apron or an old shirt to protect your clothes

  3. 厨用围裙裹着她的腰部。

    The cook 's apron covered her middle .

  4. 她在新围裙上缝上一只口袋。

    She stitched a pocket on the new apron .

  5. 她系上围裙下厨房了。

    She put on her apron and went to the kitchen .

  6. 爱达在围裙上擦了擦手。

    Ida wiped her hands on her apron .

  7. 老太太取下眼镜,对着镜片哈气,然后用围裙角擦了起来。

    The old woman took off her spectacles , breathed on them , and rubbed them with a corner of her apron .

  8. 压缩空气的喷射气流将气垫船浮在地面上,船的四周有柔性围裙来维持气垫并使气垫船稳定。

    Jets of compressed air lift the hovercraft off the ground , and flexible skirts around the craft retain the air cushion , and help to keep it stable .

  9. 给我们扫走廊的清洁女工围蓝格围裙。

    The chambermaid in our corridor wears blue checked gingham aprons .

  10. 许多人做饭时喜欢系一条围裙。

    Many people like to wear aprons while they are cooking .

  11. 新型梳棉机在落卷时皮板输送带(或皮圈,围裙)运行受阻

    Obstruction in the movement of Aprons during doffing in modern cards .

  12. 招待我们的是一位穿粉红色围裙的漂亮姑娘。

    We were waited on by a pretty girl in a pink apron .

  13. 所以,你们俩谁的车里有条围裙,否则,我建议你们还是带上你们的报告,赶紧走人吧!

    So unless one of you have an apron1 in your car , I suggest you file your reports and leave mealone . 3 .

  14. 穿什么:一件已经不那么合身的蓝色V领衣和一个围裙。

    What to wear : A loose-fitted blue v-neck , jeans , and an apron .

  15. 有一天,苏立文小姐对我说,如果我把“girl”的卡片别在我的围裙上,然后站在衣橱里,这句话该怎么说?

    One day , Miss Sullivan tells me , I pinned the word girl on my pinafore and stood in the wardrobe .

  16. 5.apronn.围裙我的围裙太脏了,我不得不洗它。

    My apron is so dirty that I have to wash it .

  17. 让银行高管们穿上围裙、戴上烤箱手套的,并不仅仅是农行ipo这一件事。

    The ABC IPO is not the only thing that has the banking chiefs donning their aprons and oven gloves .

  18. n.围裙烹饪时,在衣前穿上围裙以保持衣服干净。

    apron Wear an apron over the front part of your clothes to keep them clean while cooking .

  19. 围裙带:围裙上的带子,通常以复数形式与tied连用指完全的控制或支配。

    Apron string : The string of an apron . Usually used in the plural with tied to indicate complete control or dominance .

  20. 还有那种精心裁剪的极简围裙,它们相当于烹饪版的赛琳(Céline)手袋,非常朴素,理解它们需要一定程度的鉴赏力。

    And there are tailored , minimal versions that are the culinary equivalent of , say , a C é line bag , so understated that they demand a level of connoisseurship to be understood .

  21. 这类围裙的典型代表是StanleySons的长及大腿的皮质围裙(143美元)或者SearchRescue的分腿围裙(约195美元)。

    The model might be the Stanley Sons leather lap apron ( $ 143 ), or the Search Rescue split-leg apron ( about $ 195 ) .

  22. 自从爱丽丝(Alice)身穿白色围裙掉进兔子洞,围裙就变成了某种时尚宣言。

    Ever since Alice fell down the rabbit hole in her white pinafore , aprons have been something of a fashion statement .

  23. 乘客也可以从身着HelloKitty图案围裙的空姐那里购买限量版的免税产品,例如HelloKitty形状的面食。

    Passengers can also purchase limited edition duty-free products , such as Hello Kitty-shaped pasta , from flight attendants wearing Hello Kitty aprons .

  24. 这类围裙的典型代表是Stanley&Sons的长及大腿的皮质围裙(143美元)或者Search&Rescue的分腿围裙(约195美元)。

    The model might be the Stanley & Sons leather lap apron ( $ 143 ) , or the Search & Rescue split-leg apron ( about $ 195 ) .

  25. 有一天,苏立文小姐对我说,如果我把girl的卡片别在我的围裙上,然后站在衣橱里,这句话该怎么说?

    One day , Miss Sullivan tells me , I pinned the word girl on my pinafore and stood in the wardrobe . On the shelf I arranged the words , is , in , wardrobe .

  26. 甚至《绿野仙踪》里面的Dorothy也穿着蓝色的围裙和短袜。

    Even Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz is kitted out in a light blue pinafore and socks .

  27. 上世纪80年代初,在华尔街工作的我看到很多西装革履的男士坐在高椅上高傲地读着《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal),而身穿脏围裙的擦鞋匠在他们脚下卖力工作。

    When I worked on Wall Street in the early 1980s , I remember seeing lines of men in suits sitting on high chairs loftily reading the Wall Street Journal while men in dirty aprons toiled away below them .

  28. 这位19岁的明星炫耀他得到的一系列彩虹主题的礼物,用彩虹丝带包装的礼物,一双彩虹色的五指袜,甚至一条彩虹色前面写着GayIcon的围裙。

    The 19-year-old flaunted a present wrapped with rainbow ribbon , a pair of toe-socks in the bright rainbow colours and even an apron with Gay Icon emblazoned across the front .

  29. 据ABC新闻报道称,“穿着代表该航空公司的、鲜明性感的红黄色彩比基尼上衣和围裙,这些年轻美丽的空姐鱼贯涌入飞机的过道,进行比基尼表演”。

    As reported by ABC News , " Clad in vaporous string bikini tops and sarongs that flaunted the company colors of red and yellow , young , beautiful women filed down the plane 's aisles for a bikini show . "

  30. 也有一些活泼的装饰性围裙,比如MacKenzie-Childs的黑白格围裙(78美元)或KateSpade的餐馆条纹围裙(30美元),它们表达出厨房玩闹的一面。

    There are decorative sunny aprons , like the black-and-white check from MacKenzie-Childs ( $ 78 ) or the diner-stripe from Kate Spade ( $ 30 ) , the signifiers of the playful nature of the kitchen .