
  • 网络Rural construction;Rural Reconstruction
  1. 关于民国乡村建设运动的几个问题

    Several Issues on the Rural Construction Movement in the Republican Period

  2. 梁漱溟乡村建设运动的文化诠释

    The Cultural Explanation on Liang Shuming 's Movement of Rural Construction

  3. 推动国土绿化高质量发展,统筹山水林田湖草系统治理,持续推进森林城市、森林乡村建设。

    Efforts should be taken to promote the high-quality development of afforestation , coordinate management of mountains , waters , forests , farmland , lakes and grassland , continuously advance the building of forest city and forest countryside .

  4. 苏维埃运动、乡村建设运动与中国农村的社会变迁比较

    A Comparison on Rural Social Changes : Soviet and Constructing-Country Movement

  5. 试论梁漱溟乡村建设的文化哲学基础

    The Cultural and Philosophical Bases of Liang Shuming 's Countryside Construction Theory

  6. 新桂系乡村建设研究(1931&1945)

    Study on the New Guangxi Clique 's Rural Construction ( 1931-1945 )

  7. 以区域整体发展原则促进乡村建设的持续发展

    Sustainable development of rural construction based on the principle of regional development

  8. 中国基督教乡村建设运动研究(1907&1950)

    A Study on Christian Rural Reconstruction Movement in China ( 1907-1950 )

  9. 《独立评论》与20世纪30年代的乡村建设论争

    The Debate between Independent Critique and the Countryside Building Movement In 1930s

  10. 我国城市化进程中的乡村建设与发展问题研究

    Research on Rural Construction Development in the Process of Urbanization in China

  11. 试析传统组织资源及其在乡村建设中的作用&以贵州安顺屯堡第一村寨九溪村为例

    An Analysis to Traditional Organization Resources and Its Function in Village Construction

  12. 梁漱溟与民国时期山东的乡村建设运动

    Liang Shu Ming and Country Construction of Shandong in Republic of China

  13. 试论旧中国乡村建设实验的实质

    On the essence of rural construction experiments in old China

  14. 最后探讨了乡村建设思想的现实意义。

    At last , this article articulates the real meaning of his idea .

  15. 明前期北方灾荒与乡村建设

    Northern Famine and Village Construction of Early Ming Dynasty

  16. 实现建立新社会组织的道路,要靠乡村建设运动。

    Rural construction movement was the key to building a new social organization .

  17. 梁漱溟乡村建设思想的哲学渊源

    The philosophical Source of Liang Shu-ming 's Village-Building Thought

  18. 定县模式&北碚模式:两种不同乡村建设模式的取舍

    A contrastive study of the model of Dingxian County and that of Beibei

  19. 文化现代化:梁漱溟乡村建设思想的着力点

    Culture modernization : the focal point of Liang Shu-ming 's rural construction theory

  20. 宛西地方精英投身乡村建设的动因分析

    Analysis of the Reasons Why West Wan Elites Devoted into Local Constructive Activity

  21. 我国生态乡村建设初探

    Preliminary Discussion on Ecological Construction in Rural China

  22. 化农民与农民化:乡村建设运动中大众传媒的功能与策略分析&以《农民》报为中心

    The Role of Mass Media and Strategy in Village Construction Movement : An Analysis

  23. 梁漱溟与邹平乡村建设

    LIANG Shu ming and Rural Construction in Zouping

  24. 梁漱溟乡村建设试验及对社会主义新农村建设的启示

    Liang Shuming 's Rural Construction Experiment and its Enlightenment for New Socialist Countryside Construction

  25. 等等乡村建设理念与方法是值得参与式农村发展理论学习借鉴的。

    Rural reconstruction idea and methods deserve participatory rural development theory study and reference .

  26. 乡村建设中的卫生保健工作&定县实验中建立的模式

    Health Care Pursuits in Country Construction & Mode Established in Dingxian County 's Experiment

  27. 二十世纪三十年代初,中国历史上出现了大规模的乡村建设运动。

    In the early 1930s , a large-scale village-building movement appeared in Chinese history .

  28. 农村革命与乡村建设之比较

    A Comparison between Rural Revolution and Village Construction

  29. 民国福建乡村建设运动研究

    Study on Fujian Rural Construction Movement during the Period of the Republic of China

  30. 民国时期的乡村建设运动

    The Rural Reconstruction Movement during the Republican period