
jí shì
  • market;fair;bazaar;marketplace;country fair
集市 [jí shì]
  • [fair;market;bazaar] 定期或在固定地点买卖货物的市场

  • 该村庄每月有一次集市

集市[jí shì]
  1. 集市上熙熙攘攘,好不热闹。

    The country fair was a hive of activity .

  2. 近十年来,学者们对乡村集市及集市贸易进行了进一步的研究。

    The scholars have studied deeply on the country fair and village fair trade for ten year .

  3. 卡迈勒是埃及露天集市里的一个小贩。

    Kamal was a vendor in Egypt 's open-air bazaar .

  4. 集市上的商贩摆出了一系列具有异域风味的该岛农产品以供选择。

    Market traders display an exotic selection of the island 's produce .

  5. 每逢周二与周六,镇上就会有集市。

    On Tuesdays and Saturdays the market comes to town .

  6. 我们在集市里,周围一大帮衣衫褴褛的小孩盯着我们看。

    We were in the bazaar with all the little urchins watching us .

  7. 集市上熙熙攘攘挤满了买卖东西的人。

    The marketplace was jammed with a noisy crowd of buyers and sellers .

  8. 他烦了就去集市上逛逛。

    When he got bored he wandered around the fair

  9. 他在集市上摆摊卖靴子。

    He sold boots on a market stall .

  10. 我们把包扔在附近的格兰德酒店后就匆匆赶往集市。

    We dumped our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried towards the market

  11. 它在为期一天的集市上出售应有尽有的各种古董。

    It offers the widest selection of antiques of every description in a one day market .

  12. 在金测罗和皮萨克五颜六色的集市上,女人们还是身着传统装束。

    In the colourful markets at Chincero and Pisac , women still wear their traditional costume .

  13. 他在当地的手工艺品集市上买了这个花瓶。

    He bought the vase at the local craft fair .

  14. 这些农产品将拿到集市上去卖。

    The produce will be sold at the fair .

  15. 我妈妈到集市上去了。

    My mom has gone to the fair .

  16. 买主以稳定的价格买光了这一天牵到集市来的牲口。

    Buyers cleared the day 's cattle run at steady rates .

  17. 那村庄每月有一次集市。

    The village has a fair once a month .

  18. 下次集市日是在15日。

    The next market is on the 15th .

  19. 他在集市上为妻子买了一些发夹。

    He bought some hairgrips for his wife in the fair .

  20. 集市上农副产品非常丰富。

    The stands were overflowing with farm and sideline products .

  21. 村子中央是集市广场。

    The village centred on its market square .

  22. 下次集市是15号。

    The next market is on the15th .

  23. 上次我在集市上买东西,小贩卖给我的是从水果堆后面拣出的烂水果。

    The last time I bought from a market trader I was given rotten fruit from the back of the pile .

  24. 我们在集市通过讨价还价买到了一条很漂亮的地毯。

    We bargained for a beautiful rug in the bazaar .

  25. 在集市上,鸡、山羊和兔子被摆出来作物物交换之用

    Chickens , goats and rabbits were offered for barter at the bazaar .

  26. 原子集市》是关于这个极令人不安的话题的一本优秀的入门读物

    The Atomic Bazaar is an excellent introduction to this most discomfiting topic .

  27. 一天,一个农夫在村子的集市上买了四头驴。

    One day a farmer bought four donkeys in the marketplace in the village .

  28. 一天早上,齐国人穿戴整齐,就往集市上赶。

    One morning , the man , tidily dressed , hurried to the bazaar .

  29. 集市上出售廉价小摆设的货摊

    market stalls selling cheap bric-a-brac

  30. 一天,捕快信步走到城外,恰好与强盗在集市上相遇。

    One day , the bailiff strolled outside the city and happened to come across the robber in the market .