
  • 网络Sports Funder
  1. 英国体育资金来源广泛,单点运作的资金划拨方式是现行英国体育资金的主要分配方式。

    The wide range of sources of funding in British sport , single-pot funds allocated is the major distribution way .

  2. 具体分析我国的体育资金来源,从管理体系上可分为国家体育部门、行业协会组织和运动员自身三个层次;

    Analyzing Chinese funds sources of sports , there are national sports department , industry association and athletes themselves three ranks in management system .

  3. 并找出原因,得出以下结论,泰山职业技术学院大力支持运动队建设,体育资金较充裕,坚持常年训练,教练员和运动员具有奉献精神,但是运动员生源较差,选材难。

    And find out why and concluded , Taishan vocational technology college vigorously support team construction , sports capital is abundant , adhere to the perennial training , coaches and athletes have the spirit of sacrifice , but poor student athletes , select material difficult .

  4. 竞技体育资金来源的问题是涉及到竞技体育可持续发展的重大问题,我国竞技体育的资金来源多元化是体育社会化的发展趋势,是体育产业化的发展要求。

    The question of the capital source of athletics sports is an important issue of involving sustainable development of sports , it is a development trend with socialized sports that sports of our country is funded by several sources , it is a demand for development of sports industrialization .

  5. 增加社区体育专项资金投入;

    (ⅳ) increasing the investment of community sports fund ;

  6. 我国青少年体育俱乐部资金筹集的分析研究

    Analysis on Fundraising of Junior Sports Clubs in China

  7. 我国体育基金资金积累的现状分析及发展对策研究

    An Analysis of the Current Situation in China 's Sports Fund Accumulation and Its Development Countermeasures

  8. 本文一共分为五部分,系统的、全面的阐述了我国体育基金资金积累的现状。

    This thesis falls into five parts , systematically and comprehensively expounding on the current situation in sports fund accumulation .

  9. 要增加体育教育资金的投入,为学生的体育学习和锻炼创造一个良好的环境。

    The investment on physical education should be increased in order to create a good environment for the student 's learning and exercise .

  10. 此外,相当部分中学的体育专项资金短缺,场地、器材设施不是很理想,客观上影响了大课间体育活动的质量和效果。

    Besides , sports special funds shortage , unsatisfactory equipment and places influence the quality and effectiveness of physical activities with long-break a lot .

  11. 青少年体育俱乐部的资金、人力、信息、场地及设施资源的管理;

    The management of the capital , human resources , information , space and facilities of the clubs ;

  12. 近年来国际上大型项目的融资方式以其独特的融资机制和在分散风险方面的特殊作用为体育场馆建设资金的投融资模式提供了借鉴思路。

    In recent years , large items financing afford examples to stadium building financing in their particular mechanism and risk disperse role .

  13. 增加对体育工作的资金投入,加快体育场地和设施建设,增设体育项目,为民办高校学生创造更好的运动环境。

    Work to increase funding for sports , sports venues and facilities to speed up the construction of additional sports for private college students to create a better sports environment . 4 .

  14. 为竞技体育提供源源不断的资金,调动运动员的积极性。

    To provide a steady stream of sports funding , mobilize the enthusiasm of the athletes . 3 .

  15. 目前,企业赞助已经成为大型国际体育赛事不可或缺的资金和物资来源之一。

    At present , corporate sponsorship has become a major international sports event one of the indispensable source of funds and materials .

  16. 然而,非营利基金会经营方面的不透明性使其利益相关者难以获取有效信息,实现对其监督,中国关心下一代健康体育基金会对资金的违规使用就是最好的明证。

    However , the opacity of the non-profit foundations for operation makes their stakeholders difficult to have access to their information and hard to carry out their supervision over it .

  17. 加大对体育网站建设的资金投入,开发或购置功能强大的软硬件为网站建设做支撑。

    Seventhly , the university should increase capital investment to sports website construction , besides , should develop or purchase hardware and software of powerful function which were used as support .

  18. 完善体育中考制度,扩大阳光体育运动的资金来源,建立经费保障制度,完善阳光体育运动的安全工作责任制度。

    Physical examination system to improve and expand sources of funding for sport the sun , the establishment of financial security systems , improve the safety of sports sunshine responsibility .

  19. 通过多渠道加大对社区体育文化建设的投入,完善社区体育的资金体系。

    Through multi-channel increase to the community sports culture construction investment , perfecting the community sports capital system . 5 .

  20. 同时为了丰富农村体育活动,国家加大了对农村的体育资金投入与政策支持。

    At the same time in order to enrich rural sports activities , the state has increased funding for rural sports and policy support .

  21. 研究表明:渝东南地区城乡中小学体育思想资源、人力资源、体育设施、资金的配置比例失调。

    The results show that : southeast urban and rural schools physical education resources , human resources , sports facilities , the allocation of funds imbalance and recommend changes in ideas ;

  22. 从社会流动的角度出发,分析、研究现阶段我国高校体育流态趋势:即物流-高校体育场馆设施,资金流-高校体育资金支持,信息流-高校体育现代化变革。

    From the angle of social activities , and by using kinds of research methods , the objection of this article is to study the flowing trend of Chinese college P.E : logistics , capital flow and information flow .

  23. 体育会计工作的好坏,对于改善财务管理,提高体育资金的使用效益,促进体育事业的健康发展有着重要的影响。

    High or low quality of the work has important influence on the effective use of sport funds and on the promotion of sports development .

  24. 分析城市社区体育活动群体构成,体育活动空间,体育指导员和体育资金等问题;

    It analyzed such problems as : the constitution of the group participating in municipal community sports activities , the space of sports activities , sports instructors fund etc.

  25. 良好的体育彩票业市场结构,有助于筹集更多的体育发展资金并提高资金的使用效率,更好的促进全民健身和奥运争光计划的实施。

    A healthy market structure of sports lottery tickets is helpful for raising more funds and improving its efficiency of utilization for the development of sports industry .

  26. 其中离不开我国健全的体育人才培养体系,离不开教练员的指导,更离不开国家对竞技体育领域的资金投入。

    Which can not be separated from my sound system , sports training , coaches can not do without the guidance , but also the state can not be separated from the field of competitive sports funding .

  27. 据第五次全国体育场地普查数据显示,截止2003年底,全国共有各类体育场地超过85万个,历年累计投入体育场地建设资金达1914.5亿元。

    According to the data of the fifth national sports venue census , by the end of 2003 , there were more than 850,000 sports venues , and 191.45 billion RMB construction funds accumulated over the years .