
  • 网络vidal;VIDAR
  1. 正如散文家戈尔•维达尔(GoreVidal)所说的那样:“每当有朋友获得成功时,我身上的某种东西就会消失一些。”

    As the essayist Gore3 Vidal apparently4 put it : “ Whenever a friend succeeds , a little something in me dies . ”

  2. ABC请来巴克利和维达尔,要他们在政党大会报道期间进行每日例行的辩论,目的是背离按部就班的节目常态——根本上是一个收视率垫底的电视网在博人眼球。结果何止是背离。

    When ABC hired Buckley and Vidal to hold daily debates during its convention coverage - essentially a ratings stunt by a network ranked last in the ratings - it was breaking from the gavel-to-gavel norm .

  3. 转行的契机在她和男友分手之后出现了。卖掉公寓的阿诺德发现,她有足够的钱在维达尔.沙宣(VidalSassoon)美发学校学习一门课程。

    The tipping point came after she split up with her boyfriend and , having sold her flat , found she had enough money to finance a course at Vidal Sassoon 's hairdressing school .

  4. 在如今的新闻节目里,巴克利-维达尔论战这样排山倒海的词汇量已经很难见到,在CNN听到“Latinate”(类拉丁文的)和“hobgoblinization”(精灵化)之类的词机会很渺茫。

    Few current news programs can match the lexical fireworks of the Buckley-Vidal debates , and it is true that the words " Latinate " and " hobgoblinization " are unlikely to be heard on CNN anytime soon .

  5. 半定量玻片凝集试验和单管维达尔试验的阳性预测值(PPVs)分别为25.0%(95%可信区间:0.6-80.6)和20.0%(95%可信区间:2.5-55.6)。

    The semiquantitative slide agglutination and single-tube Widal tests had positive predictive values ( PPVs ) of25.0 % ( 95 % confidence interval , CI : 0.6 – 80.6 ) and20.0 % ( 95 % CI : 2.5 – 55.6 ), respectively .

  6. 维达尔大夫是个年轻人,脸色灰黄,戴着副金丝眼镜。

    Dr Vidal was a sallow young man with metal-rimmed glasses .

  7. 脱口秀上的维达尔也是出了名的毒舌。

    Vidal was a mischievous guest on talk shows .

  8. 维达尔认为这是一场胜利;

    Vidal saw it as a triumph ;

  9. 维达尔代表了我们众多贫穷孩子的故事,他们努力顽强地生存着,

    Vidal embodies the story of so many of our underprivileged children who are struggling to survive ,

  10. 巴克利是2008年去世的,他们不想只有维达尔在说话,导致影片失衡。

    Buckley died in 2008 , and the directors felt allowing only Vidal to speak would unbalance the film .

  11. 巴克利和维达尔“是独立的思想者,独立的思想者在今天的电视上得不到多少机会”。

    Buckley and Vidal " were independent thinkers , and independent thinkers aren 't given a lot of time on television today . "

  12. 玛格丽特有一幅她自己的画像,是维达尔①的杰作,也唯有他的画笔才能把玛格丽特画得如此惟妙惟肖。

    Marguerite possessed a marvelous portrait of herself by Vidal , the only man whose pencil strokes could capture her to the life .

  13. 在举行芝加哥民主党大会的那个暴戾的夜晚,巴克利和维达尔的冲突在众目睽睽之下达至顶峰。

    And then some . On a night of riots at the Democratic convention in Chicago , Buckley and Vidal had their own climactic on-air clash .

  14. 内维尔大学毕业后曾为维达尔作过一阵子的事实核查工作(“这辈子最吃力不讨好的差事”),他说时常有观众告诉他,影片放在当下的媒体文化中是十分切题的。

    Mr. Neville , who briefly worked as a fact-checker for Vidal after college ( " One of the most thankless jobs I 've ever had " ) , said that audiences frequently tell him how relevant the film seems to today 's media culture .

  15. 巴克利和维达尔“每晚有不间断的15分钟。再看看今天。你能想象两个满腹经纶的思想家就这样你来我往15分钟,中间不会听到耳机里传来一个声音,‘快,说说莫妮卡·莱温斯基的内衣。’”

    Buckley and Vidal " had 15 minutes a night , uninterrupted . Imagine that today . Imagine having two witty , literate heavy thinkers having a go at each other for 15 minutes without someone in the headset saying , ' Quick , talk about Monica Lewinsky 's underwear . " "