
  • 网络vicenza
  1. 帕多瓦和维琴察两市商业繁荣,建筑古迹保存良好,也没有蜂拥而至的游客。

    Padua and Vicenza are prosperous , well-preserved cities , not overrun by tourists .

  2. 维琴察城和威尼托地区的帕拉第奥风格的别墅

    The City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto

  3. 与维琴察的平局已经是过去的新闻了。

    The draw with Vicenza is yesterday 's news .

  4. 与此同时,佛罗伦萨最终从维琴察得到了弗拉德。阿夫拉莫夫的签名。

    Meanwhile , Fiorentina have clinched the signing of Vlada Avramov from vicenza .

  5. 亲爱的,或许你今天想去维琴察。

    My love , maybe you 'd like to go to Vicenza today .

  6. 帕拉第奥的父亲是维琴察的一位磨坊主,安德烈亚很小的时候就被送去给当地一位手艺精湛的石匠当学徒。

    Palladio 's father was a miller who settled in Vicenza , where the young Andrea was apprenticed to a skilled stonemason .

  7. 他们和其它激进派一样,对政府准备同意位于北部意大利维琴察的一个美国军事基地的扩张感到不安。

    They and other radicals were equally exercised by the government 's readiness to agree to the expansion of an American military base at Vicenzain northern italy .

  8. 在文艺复兴诸国内,16世纪的维琴察最为耀眼,可以让帕拉弟奥为你建一座庄园,还有机会可以游遍所有的画室,见见今天塞满我们的博物馆的那些美术品的作者们。

    Of all the Renaissance States , Vicenza in the 16th century stands out , with Palladio to build you a villa and a chance to studio-crawl round some of the Venetian artists who fill our museums today .

  9. 加布显示了良好的跑位,以致于,随着弗帝租借到维琴察后,我们可以打保票他在这个意甲赛季结束前看到他出场亮相。

    Gabriel showed good movement , so much so that , with Foti currently on loan with vicenza , it could be a safe bet to see him break through in the Serie A before the end of the season .

  10. 我就叫他去买来,酒来后我把找钱赏给他,接着便和邻座的人喝个大醉,一直睡到过了维琴察城才醒来,在地板上大吐了一阵。

    I told him to get it and when it came I gave him the change and the man beside me and I got drunk and slept until past Vicenza where I woke up and was very sick on the floor .