
  • 网络JIM WADDELL;Vidal;Richard Vedder;Widder
  1. 维德尔夫妇是劳拉的父母,也是爱德华的好友。

    The Vedels were Laura 's parents and Edouard 's close friends .

  2. 维德尔是波兰最古老的巧克力品牌,历史已超过150年。

    Wedel is Poland 's oldest chocolatebrand , with over 150 years of history .

  3. 维德尔巧克力吧在这幢建筑里已经有….呃,这个巧克力吧从19世纪末就在这里了。

    The Wedel Chocolate Lounge , located in thisbuilding for ... um , from the beginning , since the late 19th century .

  4. 维德尔说,他的妻子多尼塔很讨厌他的胡须,但他已就读高中的3个女儿却不介意他留着大胡子,“她们的男友基本上都认为我的胡子很酷”。

    His wife Donita hates the beard , while their three daughters , who attend Eastmont High School in East Wenatchee , don 't mind and " mostly their boyfriends think it 's cool ," Weddle said .