
méng niè
  • sprout tillers;bud;germinate;sprout
萌蘖 [méng niè]
  • [bud;germinate;sprout] 指植物长出新芽。萌,生芽,发芽。蘖,树木砍去后又长出来的新芽

萌蘖[méng niè]
  1. 也可通过萌蘖繁殖进行天然更新,但更新能力较弱,种群净生殖率Ro<1.0,内禀增长能力rm<0,种群数量将递减。

    Sprouting is also the type of regeneration but is of weak capacity , with the net reproduction rate R o < 1.0 , intrinsic increase rate r m < 0 , which indicates the population will decrease .

  2. 现行种群数量主要是靠自身的萌蘖繁殖来维持。

    At present , the population is maintained mainly by shooting of itself .

  3. 萌蘖性强,耐修剪,抗污染。

    Sprouts the tiller to be strong , bears the trim , anti-pollution .

  4. 北京地区火炬树的萌蘖繁殖扩散

    Dispersal of staghorn sumac in Beijing areas The Trees

  5. 但是一个经过波坎诺夫斯基程序处理的卵子会萌蘖、增生、分裂,

    But a bokanovskified egg will bud , will proliferate , will divide .

  6. 卵子的反应是萌蘖,铅笔忙碌着。

    Responds by budding . The pencils were busy .

  7. 皆伐萌蘖更新是改造刺槐林的有效途径

    Clear-cutting and Root-sprout Regeneration Is An Efficient Way for Large-scale Reforming of Locust Forest

  8. 中国近代道德救世思想的萌蘖

    Sprouts of Moral World-Saving Thought in Modern China

  9. 在6~7年生的萌蘖株中,其生物量与对照株相似。

    In the 67 year-old sprouts , the biomass was similar to the control .

  10. 而大部分卵子则萌蘖出四个胚芽;

    most put out four buds ;

  11. 以萌蘖茎段和幼嫩新梢为外植体时,外植体的消毒效果最好。

    The explants disinfectant effects are the best by using sprouting shoots and current-year shoots as explants .

  12. ——我们制止卵子正常发育生长。而出人意外的是,卵子的反应却是:萌蘖。”

    We check the normal growth and , paradoxically enough , the egg responds by budding . "

  13. 新疆额河流域两种野生杨树萌蘖苗叶片的气体交换特性

    Leave Gas Exchange Characteristics of Sprout Seedlings of Two Poplar Species in the Irtysh River Basin , Xinjiang

  14. 确定萌芽更新是该群落的主要更新途径,采取平茬措施可促进萌蘖,提高地上部生物量。

    Germination is the main regeneration method of this community , and cutting can increase the above ground biomass .

  15. 红星苹果新梢叶内与砧木萌蘖叶内矿质元素含量相关性的研究

    A study on the correlation between contents of mineral elements in leave of red starring apple and rootstock sucker

  16. 旱坡地香椿根系萌蘖规律的研究&以太行山石灰岩区为例

    The Ratooning of Chinese Toona in Dry Sloping Sites : A Case Study in the Limestone Area of Taihang Mountains

  17. 砒砂岩区沙棘定植株与萌蘖株生长指标间的关联分析有些小麦和裸麦大量分蘖。

    Relation Analysis among Growth Indexes of Planted and Sprouted Seabuckthorn in Soft Sandstone Area Some wheats and ryes tiller freely .

  18. 生长在阴坡的刺槐人工林无性繁殖较阳坡旺盛,阴坡无性株萌蘖的数量和扩散范围明显大于阳坡;

    Robinia pseudoacacia plantation reproduction proliferation in cloudy slope was better than that in sunny slope so were the numbers and regions ;

  19. 对南京椴采用硬枝扦插、种子常规发芽、萌蘖分株、嫩枝扦插4种繁殖方法进行探索,结果表明,在自然状态下,前两种方法不可能成功;

    Experiment on4 reproduction methods just as adult cutting , seed germination , sprouting and young cutting showed that under natural conditions , the former two method could not success ;

  20. 若不计脯氨酸含量,萌蘖株的根和叶中其余16种游离态氨基酸含量之和分别是对照株的2.0和2.7倍之多。

    Except PRO , the total content of the other 16 free amino acids in sprouts ' leaves and roots were 2.7 and 1.96 times higher than the controls , respectively .

  21. 其更新特点是萌蘖占有重要地位,种子更新能力较弱,两者互相补充保证了矮林能自我更新,成为稳定的群落。

    As the coppice has the character that germinative regeneration occupies an important place and the seed regeneration ability is weak ; but the two modes of regeneration mutually complement to guarantee its regeneration , so it still is a stable community .

  22. 无论是天然苗、人工苗,还是天然苗刈割再生草、人工苗刈割再生草,3年内萌蘖枝数随生长年限的增加而增加,而人工中麻黄的萌蘖枝数显著大于天然的。

    Although the numbers of tillers of natural seedlings , artificial seedlings , natural re-growing grass , or artificial re-growing grass , increased rapidly year by year for three years , the numbers of tillers of artificial sown plants were much greater than those of naturally sown ones .