- sprout;germinate;seed;shoot;germ;rudiment;dawn;budbreak

[sprout;germinate] 草木刚长出嫩芽
[rudiment;shoot;germ] 比喻新生的事物
Changes of Endogenous Hormone of Sea buckthorn in Dormancy Stage and Sprout Period under Soil Water Stress and Exogenous GA_3 Regulation
The effect of the reproduction by sprout of the stump division and the planting trees of poplar I 69
These developments were foreseen in embryo more than a decade ago .
He considered that there were , in these developments , the seeds of a new moral order .
Buds on the trees are a sign of spring .
It is still in an embryonic stage .
Better germination is obtained if the seed is sown or drilled shortly after a shower .
The rudiment with the capitalism , new developing citizens stratum appeared in the society in the ming dynasty .
Zenware is one embodiment of a wider concept sometimes now described as conscious / contemplative computing the slow web .
Karen McMahon , a divorce coach in New York , says : " Coaching is in its infancy4 and divorce coaching is embryonic5 . " Practitioners6 come from a range of backgrounds , including financial planners , therapists and mediators .
Effect of CaCN_2 and H_2CN_2 on Bud-breaking , Blossoming and Fruit Maturing of Wine Grape
Evaluation of Salt Tolerance of Different Tomato Varieties at Germination Stage under NaCl Stress
Effect of High CO_2 and N_2 Shock Treatment on the Sprouting and Hormone Content of Chinese Chestnut ( Castanea mollissima Blume ) during Shelf-life
Protective enzyme and PRO content tended to rise with temperature dropping . PRO content and seed germination percentage were of the same changing .
Logging While Drilling was born only 10 years later than wireline logging .
Seeds of Leucaena Leucocephala were treated by the different concentrations of polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) to investigate effects of water stress on its germination .
The study on drought resistance of eighteen maize varieties generalized now in Shanxi province in germination stage was conducted through adopting PEG solution simulated soil drought treatment .
GA_3 applied in the fall delayed leaf abscission , promoted bud sprouting and flowering , and increased flowering rates and flower diameter of peony .
OLED has given an equal chance for every company and country , and it is very important for our country to develop displaying technology of our own .
The stump of root is suitable to be used as propagation materials when cottage propagating . The survival rate can reach to 70.0 % without any handling or rooting L1 .
In the middle stage , 6-BA and GA_3 can break dormancy and made the rate of germination more than 50 % ; In the last period , effects of 6-BA and GA_3 were similar to the middle of stage .
Peony can be defoliated 3 ~ 7 days and postponed to germinate 2 ~ 6 days by MH ( maleic hydrazide ) in autumn , which can delay the florescence 1 ~ 2 days , but the percentage of the blossom decreases and the scapes wane .
Kohonen self-organization of artificial neural network model was applied to establish computer intelligential expert system for assessment of beginning occurrence stage of citrus canker on the basis of the tip sprout stage of sweet orange and the climate in regular period .
The ground ? round here seems to be fertile for growing cars – 18 miles east of Amarillo in Conway , there are five stripped-down VW bugs sprout in g on Bug Ranch ( Hwy207 access road ) .
While the green shoots may be thin on the ground in developed markets , the recovery in emerging market economies , especially the Brics , is more readily visible , says Julian Thompson , head of global emerging market equities at Threadneedle .
Detected on pollen germination rate of different florescence crabapple varieties .
An Initial Discussion on Germination Renewal of Chinese Fir Planted Forest
Influence of Main Nutrients in Storage Root on Budding of Sweetpotato
The dawn of economic thought in the West and in Russia
The first stage lasts from 1958 to 1972 in Stockholm .