
méng fā
  • germinate;germination;sprout
萌发 [méng fā]
  • [sprout;germinate] 开始发芽。比喻事物的开端

萌发[méng fā]
  1. 芽在春天萌发。

    Buds sprout in the spring .

  2. 休眠种子和萌发种子辐照M1代在生物学性状的变化上存在很大的差异;

    There were significant differences of M1 generation biological traits between resting seeds and sprout seed .

  3. 一部小说的构思已经在她的头脑中萌发。

    An idea for a novel began to germinate in her mind .

  4. 玫瑰萌发新枝。

    The rose sprouted buds .

  5. 茶树修剪后又萌发新枝。

    The tea plants sprouted new buds after the pruning .

  6. 这些话还在耳边回响,他却已故态萌发了。

    With these words still ringing in his ears , he got back into his old habits .

  7. 周处听说乡邻们为他死去而庆贺,这才知道自己也被人当做义兴一害,萌发了悔改的决心。

    Upon hearing that his county folk celebrated5 his death , Zhou Chu came to realize that he was considered one of the evils of Yixing . He thus made his decision to mend his ways .

  8. 拮抗菌B1、B2对植物前期生长的影响拮抗菌B1、B2对不同蔬菜、瓜类、禾本科植物种子的萌发影响不同,不同种子萌发所需菌液浓度不同。

    Has different effects on seeds of vegetable , melons and grass .

  9. 萌发pH值对大豆种子蛋白质代谢的影响研究

    Study the Effect of pH on Protein Metabolism During Germination of Soybean Seed

  10. Cu、As单一及其复合污染对小麦种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of cu , as single and combination pollution on Germination and seedling growth of what

  11. 发育到子叶期的体细胞胚在不加任何激素的MS培养基上就可以萌发,再生成完整植株。

    Somatic embryos germinated on MS basal medium free of plant growth regulators developed into plantlet .

  12. 在MS培养基上生长的云南红豆杉离体胚的萌发率较高,达80%;

    The germination rate of excised embryos of Taxus yunnanensis cultured on MS medium reached 80 % .

  13. SOD同工酶谱中分别于萌发的第二、第三天各出现一条新的酶带。

    A new band of SOD isoenzyme presented respectively on the2nd and3rd day of seed imbibition .

  14. Ca~(2+)参与乙烯消减NaCl对苜蓿种子萌发的抑制

    Ca 2 + involved in ethylene relieving NaCl inhibition of Alfalfa Seed Germination

  15. ABA对红锥、苦槠种子发育和萌发的效应研究

    Study ABA sensitivity of seeds during development of Castanopsis hystrix and Castanopsis sclerophylla

  16. ABA在拟南芥种子萌发和幼苗发育中的作用

    Role of ABA in the Seed Germination and Seedling Development of Different Genotypes Arabidopsis

  17. 光和GA3诱导番茄种子萌发过程中内源ABA的变化

    Changes of Endogenous ABA Level During Germination of Taiwan Red Tomato Seeds Induced by Light and GA_3

  18. 本文研究了PEG预处理对玉米种子活力及萌发代谢性酶活力的影响。

    This paper deals with the effect of PEG treatment on maize seed activity and metabolic enzymes .

  19. 缩节安(DPC)和黄腐酸(FA)对棉花种子萌发和幼苗素质的影响

    Effects of DPC and FA on Seed Germination and seedling quality of cotton

  20. 研究了萌发时间对玉米中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力的影响,并对该酶的酶学性质进行了研究。

    Effect of germinating time on the activity of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) and the properties of superoxide dismutase were studied .

  21. 在种子吸涨时,ABA水平下降以使种子萌发并发育成幼苗。

    Upon seed imbibition , ABA levels decrease to allow seeds to germinate and develop into seedlings .

  22. 酸雨对3类不同抗性种子萌发过程的影响Ⅵ&酸雨胁迫对3类种子萌发POD活性的影响

    Effects of Acid Rain on Activity of Peroxidase ( POD ) in Seed Germination of Three Plants Under Time Stress

  23. 卵孢子在pH为4~8范围内均能萌发,最适pH为5~7。在1%琼脂培养基中,卵孢子萌发率明显高于其它培养基。

    Germination can occur within pH 4 to 8 with an optimum of pH 5 to 7.Percentage of germination was significantly higher on 1 % water agar than other mediums .

  24. 种子萌发最适土壤含水量为8%~13%;种子发芽期对NaCl的耐受浓度为1.2%。

    The optimal soil water content was 8 ~ 13 % and the highest NaCl tolerance concentration was 1.2 % for seed germination .

  25. 采用以r射线照射为主处理、氯化钠为副处理的裂区试验设计,研究氯化钠对水稻休眠和萌发种子的辐射保护作用。

    Split plot experiments with r-radiation and sodium chloride were conducted to investigate the protection effect of sodium chloride on M1 generation of dormant and germinating seeds treated with r-radiation in rice .

  26. 种子休眠与萌发的不同阶段内源乙烯(C2H2)生成量不同,在解除休眠临界期有一个乙烯生成高峰,故可以认为乙烯是打破休眠的启动因子。

    Ethylene production changed during the different stages of dormancy and germination . A peak of ethylene production occurred on the 30th day after stratification at 2 ℃ .

  27. 能够抑制分生孢子的萌发,培养24h检查孢子萌发抑制率为73.22%;

    The conidia germination was inhibited , with an inhibition percentage of 73.22 % when examined at 24 h after test .

  28. 小麦秆锈病菌(Pucciniagraminisvar.Tritici)冬孢子萌发的研究

    On the teliospore germination of Puccinia graminis var. tritici

  29. 结果表明,PAO活性仅在种子萌发起始后(吸胀后24h)才检测到,然后随着种子萌发进程,PAO活性快速升高。

    Merrill . PAO activity was undetected in the seeds until 24 h after imbibition , and increased during seed germination .

  30. 种子萌发过程中糊粉层降解的PCD被GA、Ca2+和活性氧促进,被ABA和抗氧化剂抑制。

    PCD of aleurone layer degradation during seed germination is enhanced by GA , Ca 2 + and ROS , and inhibited by ABA and antioxidants .