
  • 网络Land relations;agrarian relations
  1. 此外,农家收入还受到土地关系和分配制度的制约。

    Furthermore , household incomes were restricted by land tenure and distribute institutional .

  2. 土地关系的国家法背景。

    The background of constitutional laws .

  3. 第四章探讨人与土地关系的发展历程。

    The fourth chapter is to explore the development process of the relationship between man and land .

  4. 土地关系是中国传统社会经济起决定性的关系,土地关系包括土地占有关系、租佃关系和赋税关系。

    The relationship developed around the land property is the fundamental economic relation in the traditional Chinese society .

  5. 因此,土地关系的协调和优化过程,就是农村经济关系的变化和优化过程。

    So , optimization course of the land relation is the change and perfection of the rural economy relation .

  6. 由于我国没有宏观调控法,土地关系中的宏观调控规范欠缺基本指引。

    China does not have microregulatory law , the microregulatory norm lacks the basic guidance in the relationship of land .

  7. 资本主义土地关系不论在哪种情况下,只要土地所有权存在,绝对地租就不会消失。

    As long as land ownership exists , whatever condition the capitalist land ownership is under , absolute land rent will not disappear .

  8. 在西周土地关系问题上,周天子作为全国最高的统治者,其土地所有权无疑是最重要的一环。

    As the topmost governor of Western Zhou , the kings ' land proprietorship has been the most important problem in the land relationship .

  9. 前者主要为贵族之间的土地关系,而后者则包括贵族与劳动者的关系,以及劳动者之间的关系。

    The former system mainly reflected the land relations among noblemen , and the latter included those between noblemen and laborers and those among laborers .

  10. 然后,论述民田和书田的具体实践。最后,探讨土地关系中封建制萌芽问题。

    After that the folk land and book land in practice is to study , and finally investigate the feudal germination in the land system .

  11. 晋绥边区的土地关系与社会结构的变动&20世纪三四十年代乡村社会变动的个案分析

    Transformation of Social Structure and Relation of Land Possession in Jin-Sui Boarder Area & Transformation of Rural Society in the 1930 's and 1940 's

  12. 这使得主要东方国家社会结构也随之发生巨大改变,民族工业艰难发展,封建土地关系动摇,资本主义生产因素逐渐壮大。

    This makes Eastern countries social structure also will be major changes , the difficult development of national industry , the feudal land relations shake the burgeoning capitalist production factors .

  13. 中世纪晚期,庄园制解体,村庄生产结构、土地关系和生产方式已经发生根本变革,这些都使共同体走向衰落。

    That period saw the decline of the manor system , and the radical change of production structure and the means of production , all these lead to the decline of community .

  14. 农地整理对调整土地关系,改善农村坏境和农业生产条件,保障国家粮食安全做出了巨大贡献。

    Farmland consolidation has made a tremendous contribution to adjusting land ownership relationships , to improving the rural environment and agricultural production conditions , and to guaranteeing the food security of our country as well .

  15. 农民所处的社会环境的改变带来了农民与土地关系的改变,在此基础上农民的土地意识也发生了很大变化。

    The change of the social environment in which farmers live brings a change in the relationship between farmers and land . On this basis , the consciousness of farmers ' land has undergone great changes .

  16. 尼赫鲁执政时期,印度在农业发展方面执行了一种制度战略,其主要内容是希望通过土地关系重组、发展合作社以及促进乡村均衡发展的方式实现农业增值。

    India carried out an institutional strategy in agriculture development during period of Nehru , who wanted to bring about increase in agriculture value through reconstituting farm land relationship , developing cooperated commune and promoting village 's balanced development .

  17. 对于中国这样一个拥有9亿农民的农业大国,农村的稳定与发展事关全局,而土地关系的稳定是农村稳定的基础。

    As to a large agricultural country with 900 million peasants such as China , stability and development in the countryside concern the overall situation , and the stability of land relation is the foundation of the stability of the countryside .

  18. 移民的进入甚至直接促进了松花江流域原有行政管理体制得以赖存的土地关系的瓦解,从而促进了松花江流域行政管理的变迁和司法、教育的近代化。

    The immigration entry even directly promoted the land relations that depend on original administration and management system in the Songhuajiang River basin disintegrating , thus promoting the administration modernizing in the Songhuajiang River basin and the cultural ecology further evolution .

  19. 省领导,他们的职业前途跟经济的增长息息相关,通常他们不仅让私营企业不受到中央的直接控制,而且在土地关系,劳工关系,税,许可证等方面给私营企业一路开绿灯。

    Provincial politicians , whose career prospects are tied to growth , often let these outfits operate free not only of direct state management but also from many of the laws tied to land ownership , labour relations , taxation and licensing .

  20. 合理利用土地直接关系到社会、经济的可持续发展。本文针对我国土地利用中所表现出的一些现象和问题,从人口、资源、环境和发展(PRED)等角度加以考察分析。

    This article aims at analyzing some problems emerged from land use in China by means of population , resource , environment and development ( PRED ) .

  21. 基于空间句法的城市交通特征及其与土地利用关系研究

    Research on Urban Traffic and Land Use Based on Space Syntax

  22. 论业主开发与土地治理关系

    An analysis of relation between owner exploitation and soil improvement

  23. 提出了重构土地产权关系的思路。

    To reorganize the relationship of property right of land .

  24. 土地供求关系混乱。

    The relationship of land supply and demand is confusion .

  25. 交通规划与土地利用关系研究

    The Research of Relationship between Transportation Planning and Land Use

  26. 农村居民点建设与土地整理关系的研究

    The Research of Relationship between Rural Residential Area Construction and Land Consolidation

  27. 土地利用关系法在非点源污染负荷预测中的应用

    Application of Land Use Relation Approach for Nonpoint Source Pollution Load Prediction

  28. 辽西北地区植被分布组成与土地沙化关系的调查

    Surveys on relationship of vegetation distribution compositions and land desertification in northwestern Liaoning

  29. 西安黄土台塬土壤微形态特征与土地利用关系研究

    Research on the Relation between Soil Micromorphology and Landuse in Loess Station in Xi'an

  30. 毕节市社会经济发展与土地利用关系分析

    Study on the Relationship between Socio-Economic Development and Land Use in the Bijie City