
  • 网络Turkish bath;hammam;Hamman;Hamami;hamam
  1. 如果他们想要的话,他们还可以享受土耳其浴。

    They could also have a Turkish bath , if they wanted to .

  2. 伊斯坦布尔的贝尤鲁区,在热烘烘的大理石上休息的男人,他们在洗一种古老的加拉塔萨雷式土耳其浴。

    Men relaxing on the heated marble at the Historic Galatasaray Turkish Bath ( Tarihi Galatasaray Hamami ) - Beyoglu quarter .

  3. 【英文原文】【中文翻译】对于一个伊斯坦布尔人来说,一次100°F[38°C]的土耳其浴是一件奢侈的事情。

    Turkish Steam Bath , Istanbul , Turkey , 1973 " Luxury for an Istanbulian is in the 100 ° F [ 38 ° C ]

  4. 我可没想到要去洗土耳其浴。

    I didn 't realize I was going to be walking into caligula 's bathhouse .

  5. 此外,健身俱乐部提供了一个游泳池,全景阳台,浴池,桑拿,土耳其浴和健身室为客人的健康意识。

    A table tennis room is also on offer for sports enthusiasts and a swimming pool , sauna and solarium is available for health and beauty conscious guests .

  6. 该酒店坐落于欧洲博斯普鲁斯海峡沿岸,提供正宗的土耳其蒸汽浴,也配有可以俯瞰大海的游泳池。

    Sitting on the European bank of the Bosphorus , the hotel has elaborate Turkish baths and views from every room . There 's also a pool overlooking the sea .