
  • 网络Colin;Collin;kolin;korin
  1. 晚上聚会结束的时候他们和科林结清了账。

    They settled with Colin at the end of the evening .

  2. 科林被他打了一顿后就离家出走了,从此杳无音讯。

    After his beating Colin ran away and hasn 't been heard of since

  3. 科林到的时候,她气还没有消。

    She was still in a temper when Colin arrived

  4. 我儿子科林刚从阿姆斯特丹回来。

    My son Colin has just returned from Amsterdam .

  5. 那是科林的声音,勉强能听得见。

    It was Colin 's voice , only just audible

  6. 科林正承受来自银行的压力。

    Colin was being leaned on by his bankers .

  7. 科林迷迷糊糊地,时睡时醒。

    Colin drifted off into a fitful sleep

  8. 她拒绝把科林由“法律顾问”这一低级别往上提。

    She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of ' legal adviser ' .

  9. 科林被放进浴缸,从头到脚仔仔细细洗了个干净。

    Colin had been put into a bath and been scrubbed from head to foot .

  10. 这一奉承的回应让科林暗自发笑。

    Colin chuckled at the flattering response

  11. 纳什看见科林步测了他着陆场地的长度,以确保自己能够安全飞离。

    Nash saw Colin pace out the length of the field in which he had landed to ensure that he could fly safely out of it

  12. 除了科林,看来他们中没有人适合这个工作。

    Colin apart , not one of them seems suitable for the job .

  13. 她看见科林原本红润的脸渐渐失去了血色。

    She watched the colour drain from Colin 's rubicund face .

  14. 科林和埃迪娜是我最好的朋友。

    Colin and Edina are my besties .

  15. 我们都知道科林会比其他孩子先拿到最新款玩具,这是因为他的爸妈对他百依百顺。

    We all know Colin will get the new action figure before anyone else . He can twist his parents around his little finger .

  16. 不像马修的第三个角色:在《高昂的代价》(HighMaintenance)的其中一集里扮演科林(Colin)。这是一系列低成本网络短片,讲述的是一位布鲁克林毒贩的冒险活动。

    Un-Matthew No. 3 : Colin in an episode of High Maintenance , an online series of no-budget short films about the adventures of a Brooklyn pot dealer .

  17. 科林•鲍威尔(ColinPowell)就萨达姆的大规模杀伤武器计划向联合国所做的陈述软弱无力,这颇为令人尴尬。

    Colin Powell 's feeble presentation to the United Nations about Saddam 's WMD programme was an embarrassment .

  18. 凯雷在中国首都举行的活动,请来了美国前国务卿科林•鲍威尔(ColinPowell)演说。

    The guest speaker at a Carlyle event in the Chinese capital was Colin Powell , former secretary of state .

  19. 但正如牛津大学(Oxford)赛德商学院(SaïdBusinessSchool)的科林•迈耶(ColinMayer)在其精彩著作《坚定承诺》(FirmCommitment)中论述的那样,这种看法也忽视了公司的真正目的。

    But , as Colin Mayer of Oxford 's Sa ï d Business School argues in his splendid book , Firm Commitment , this approach also misses the true purpose of the company .

  20. 麦格理(Macquarie)高级大宗商品分析师科林汉密尔顿(colinhamilton)表示:我们听说有削减奖金的事情,尤其是在铁矿石业。

    We are hearing of bonuses being cut , particularly in iron ore , says Colin Hamilton , senior commodities analyst at Macquarie .

  21. L2研究总监科林o吉尔伯特表示,这一系列合作标志着创新的摇篮与时尚的发源地终于开始牵手。

    These collaborations signal a moment where the cradle of innovation and the arbiters of fashion are finally embracing one another , says L2 research director Colin Gilbert .

  22. 麦格理(Macquarie)大宗商品研究主管科林•汉密尔顿(colinhamilton)表示,处于边缘的生产者现在必须就缩减产出做出相当激进的决策。

    Marginal producers now have to make pretty aggressive decisions about curtailing output , according to Colin Hamilton , head of commodities research at Macquarie .

  23. 俄勒冈州里德大学校长科林•戴福尔(ColinDiver)认为,“排名(的重要性)使人们有强烈的欲望去捏造数据,或采用非正当手段(参与竞争)。”

    Colin Diver , the president of Reed College in Oregon , considers that " rankings create powerful incentives to manipulate data and distort institutional behaviour . "

  24. 尽管以往的国务卿——包括科林•鲍威尔(ColinPowell,2001年至2005年担任小布什政府国务卿——译者注)——偶尔利用个人电子邮件开展公务,但希拉里在依靠私人服务器方面是唯一的。

    While previous secretaries of state , including Colin Powell , used personal email for business on occasion , Mrs Clinton was unique in relying on a private server .

  25. BBC宣布了由由科林-摩根、理查德威尔逊主演的魔幻剧将会有一个自然和戏剧的结局并于今年圣诞节以两集连播的形式与观众做最后的告别。

    The BBC has announced the fantasy drama - which stars Colin Morgan and Richard Wilson - will reach a ' natural and dramatic end ' with a two-part finale this Christmas .

  26. 在伍迪・艾伦(WoodyAllen)执导的影片《魔力月光》(MagicintheMoonlight)中,艾玛・斯通(EmmaStone)饰演灵媒师索菲・贝克(SophieBaker),科林・弗思(ColinFirth)饰演一位试图揭穿索菲・贝克真面目的魔术大师。

    Woody Allen 's ' Magic in the Moonlight ' stars Emma Stone as a psychic medium , Sophie Baker , and Colin Firth as a master magician who sets out to debunk her .

  27. 耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)男子高尔夫球队总教练科林o希恩认为节奏也许是个问题:“我们真正需要的是一种快速运动的文化,一种少一些磨磨蹭蹭的文化。”

    Colin Sheehan , head coach of the Men 's golf team at Yale University , thinks speed might be the issue . " What we really need is a culture of fast play , where there is less dilly-dallying , " he says .

  28. 麦格理银行大宗商品研究主管科林汉密尔顿(colinhamilton)表示:如果说上半年造成铁矿石价格走弱的原因是供应,现在的问题是需求。

    If supply was the driver of iron ore weakness in the first half of the year , demand is now the problem , says Colin Hamilton , head of commodities research at Macquarie .

  29. 4岁的杰克-科林本来准备要打开iPad玩他最喜欢的游戏《植物大战僵尸》,结果发现自己的iPad上一切都变了,小家伙难过得眼泪汪汪。

    Four-year-old , Jack Colling , is reduced to tears after he turns on his iPad to play one of his favourite games , Plants vs Zombies , only to discover that everything has changed on his Apple device .

  30. 一名来自BGC的股票经纪人科林.吉利斯认为:这样利润固然客观,但是这使得苹果市场越来越成为一种缝隙市场,有点类似于奢侈品企业。

    That is good for profits , but it makes Apple increasingly a niche player , somewhat like a luxury-goods firm , says Colin Gillis of BGC , a stockbroker .