
  1. 质量技术监督行政执法证据的有效性

    On the Effectiveness of Administrative Executive Evidence in Technical Supervision of Quality

  2. 质量技术监督行政处罚存在问题及对策探析

    Analysis on the Problems Existed in Quality Supervision Punishments and Corresponding Solutions

  3. 监督行政法制的若干重要范畴研究

    A Study on Several Concepts Relevant to the Legal System of Supervisory Administration

  4. 卫生监督行政不作为的成因及对策研究

    Reason and Countermeasures Research for Health Administer Nonfeasance

  5. 监督行政机制的行政生态解读与思考

    The Analysis and Thought about Supervision Administration Mechanism from the Ecology of Public Administration

  6. 司法权在这里是一种有效威慑和监督行政权的力量。

    Here the Judicial power is an effective deterrent and supervision of executive power .

  7. 在促进扩展中监督行政立法

    Inspecting administrative legislation under promoting and extending

  8. 产品质量监督行政执法作为我国政府职能重要的组成部分。

    Administrative enforcement of product quality supervision is an important component of our government functions .

  9. 行政审判权的特殊功能在于审查、监督行政权力。

    The special function of administrative jurisdiction lies in censoring and supervising the administrative power .

  10. 浅议药品监督行政处罚案件调查终结报告的书写规范

    Discussion on the Write Standard of the Case Investigation Report in Drug Supervision and Administrative Punishing

  11. 第三部分对介绍了质量技术监督行政执法证据收集。

    The third part introduces quality and technology supervision of the administrative law enforcement evidence collection .

  12. 维护和监督行政机关依法行使行政职权

    Safeguard and supervise the exercise of administrative powers by administrative organs in accordance with the law

  13. 各种监督行政权力的要素共同构成了行政权力监督体系。

    Various elements of the supervision of administrative power form the supervision system of the executive power .

  14. 关于我国渔业港航监督行政处罚规定有关问题的探讨

    A Study on Problem of Supervisory and Administrative Punishment Regulation of Navigation in Fishing Ports in Our Country

  15. 用司法权来监督行政权是现代各国建设法治国家的成功经验。

    The supervision of judicial right over administrative right is successful in modern countries under the rule of law .

  16. 在质量技术监督行政执法中,证据具有重要作用。

    In the process of administrative law enforcement in technical supervision of quality , evidence plays an important role .

  17. 研究和确立药品监督行政执法办案质量评价标准有其积极的现实意义。

    The author emphasised the necessity and importance of setting criteria to evaluate performance in enforcing the law of drug administration .

  18. 本文简要介绍了质量技术监督行政执法的概念、内容、特征;

    This thesis introduced the concepts , the contents , and the features of the quality technology supervisor executive administer justice .

  19. 行政生态理论视角下的我国监督行政机制具有过渡社会异质性、重叠性和形式主义等典型特征。

    The administration supervisory mechanism in China bears typical characteristics of transitional society , such as heterogeneity , over tapping , formalism .

  20. 以司法权监督行政权合法行使是依法治国的必然要求。我国人民法院对抽象行政行为仅享有十分有限的司法审查权。

    It is an inevitable requirement of " ruling by law " to apply judicial supervision to legal exertion of administrative acts .

  21. 行政权力异化及其危害以及对其在法律上的治理已成为当今世界各国面临的极具挑战的大课题。反行政权力异化的法律对策应为:1.监督行政权力行使的运行过程,建立制约监督机制;

    The inevitability and harmfulness of alienation of administrative power have become such a worldwide challenge that every government is searching for a legal solution .

  22. 正确认识受案范围问题,将对保护相对人合法权益、监督行政机关依法行政、提高行政效率都将发挥着积极的作用。

    The proper comprehension of the scope has positive significance to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of private party and supervise legal administration and administrative efficiency .

  23. 如何监督行政权的合法行使成为法学界等社会各界研究、探讨的重要课题。

    How to supervise the legality of executive power has become a crucial issue demanding the law science community and the society to give a thorough exploration and investigation .

  24. 《行政诉讼法》对于保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,监督行政机关依法行使行政职权发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Law of Administrative Lawsuit plays a positive role in protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the citizen , the corporation and other organizations in supervising the administrative offices .

  25. 行政监察作为监督行政的一种专门法律制度,其地位与作用无疑将越来越显得突出和重要。

    As a specialized legal system of supervising government administration , it is no doubt that the status and role of administrative supervision will become more and more prominent and important .

  26. 这一部分主要以监督行政为视角,从监督行政法律关系主体、客体、内容等方面提出了法律控制行政公物私用的基本思路。

    This chapter is mainly from the perspective of supervising administrative legal relationship , puts forward some basic solutions in the subject , object and content of supervising administrative legal relationship .

  27. 但由于我国质量技术监督行政管理工作起步较晚,情况复杂,机构改革在具体工作实践中还存在许多方面的问题。

    But because of the lateness of the commencing of management on inspection on quality and technology and because of complex status , organization reform faces many problems during the practice .

  28. 根据各宪政国家的发展规律以及实践经验,在所有监督行政权的法律制度中,司法审查制度应当是最终的、最权威的监督。

    According to the constitutionalism , the control to the executive power through the judicial review of the judicial power is the most available and powerful way in the all supervisory systems .

  29. 价格听证制度是公众参与的重要体现,对于保障行政相对人的切身利益、监督行政机关依法行政具有重要意义。

    The price system of hearing is the important embodiment of public participation , to safeguard the interests of relative people of administration and supervision of administrative organs to have the important meaning .

  30. 民告官模式的行政诉讼制度对于保障相对人的合法权益,监督行政机关行政行为的合法行使,起到了重要的作用。

    Administrative lawsuit of the " citizen litigating official " mode has played a important role to safeguard the administrative right of the other and supervise the legal act of the administrative department .