
  1. 本文调查了1988年湖北省监利县在职妇幼卫生(MCH)技术人员的基本情况,并收集了1981~1988年妇幼卫生技术人员的动态数据。

    The study investigated the general status of current maternal and child health ( MCH ) workers of Jianli County , Hubei Province , in 1988 . The dynamic data of MCH workers from 1981 to 1988 were also collected .

  2. 周一晚,监利县和周边地区受到暴雨袭击,该县报道,9小时降雨量达158.8mm。

    Jianli county and nearby areas were hit by torrential downpours on Monday night , with the county reporting precipitation of 158.8 mm within nine hours .

  3. 由监利公司监督施工质量、施工进度和施工安全。

    Construction quality , speed and safety are supervised by monitored company .

  4. 监利县农村儿童医疗服务利用及费用模型

    Medical service utilization and cost models for rural children in Jianli County

  5. 监利水文站年径流量序列多时间尺度分析

    Multiple Time Scales Analysis of Annual Runoff Time Series at Jianli Hydrologic Station

  6. 第二部分概述监利教改的背景与内容。

    The second part is the summarization about background and content of the reform .

  7. 户籍制度改革背景下农村土地制度的变革&湖北省监利县若干调查实例的分析

    The Innovation of Rural Land Institution Under the Background of Household Registration System Reformation

  8. 第三部分为监利教改的成效介绍与受挫分析。

    The third part is the introduction of the reform effect and the specific causal analysis .

  9. 我国引入教育凭单的制度需求与供给分析&以监利教育变法为个案

    Institutional demand and supply under the introduction of educational voucher system : A case study of Jianli educational reform

  10. 由于泥沙被水库拦截,其下游各站输沙量均降低,河道沿程普遍发生冲刷(除监利至螺山段外)。

    The low sediment-content water released from TGP caused long-distance erosion downstream the dam , except the Jianli-Luoshan reach .

  11. “东方之星”轮周一晚在长江湖北监利段翻沉。

    The Dongfangzhixing , or Eastern Star , capsized on Monday night on a section of the Yangtze river .

  12. 关爱空巢学生,关爱农村教育&湖北监利县关爱空巢学生工程调查

    Care Empty Nest Students , Emphasize Rural Education & Investigation over Empty Nest Students Program In Jianli , Hubei Province

  13. 湖北省监利古城八景及其对当代山水城市建设的启发

    Eight Sights in ancient Jianli City of Hubei Province and its significance of construction of modern mountains and waters city

  14. 中国气象局预报周二监利县将会有中到大雨。

    Moderate to strong rainfall was forecast for the county on Tuesday night , the China Meteorological Administration said in a statement .

  15. 涝洼农区畜牧业生产现状与发展对策&以监利县为例

    A study on the current situation and Development Countermeasures of the grain saving animal husbandry in wetland agricultural zone with the example of Jianli County

  16. 三峡建坝后湖北监利县长江干流河道变化与钉螺动态的预测研究

    Forecast of the River way Change and the Distribution of Snails after Construction of Sanxia Dam of Yangtze River in Jianli County of Hubei Provence

  17. 客船在长江中游湖北省监利段倾覆。

    The vessel overturned on a section of the river near Jianli county , Hubei province , which lies on the middle reaches of the Yangtze .

  18. 其中监利水文站8月24日出现1934年建站以来第三高水位。

    Among them , the water level at Jianli Hydrometric Station reached the third highest on August 24 since the establishment of the station in 1934 .

  19. 结果表明:在城陵矶断面,当监利来水流量超过洞庭湖出流时,主流靠左岸;

    The result shows : in Chenglingji cross-section , when inflow of Jianli exceeds outflow of Dongting Lake , threads of steam are close to left side bank ;

  20. 通过湖北省监利一中逸夫图书馆工程设计实践,建筑师亲身体会到在建筑设计行为中,加强建筑策划的必要性。

    By the design of Yifu Library in Jianli NO. 1 Middle School in Hubei , the architects realize the necessity of the architectural programming in the course of architectural design .

  21. 本文主要通过四个方面对清代监利县家谱进行研究:首先,在绪论中简要说明全国家谱的研究状况、本文选用的具体研究对象以及家谱研究意义。

    First , in the introduction we will give a brief description of genealogical research status in our country , and studies objects in this paper and the significance of genealogical research .

  22. 该模型用于长江枝城至监利河段的实际预报检验,证明模型结构合理,算法简捷,成果令人满意。

    The model is used for examining the actual forecast of the Changjiang River sector from ZhiCheng to Jianli to prove the model has a reasonable structure , simple algorithm and satisfactory result .

  23. 明清时期长江武汉段江面的沙洲演变长江中游荆江监利河段水沙特性分析

    The Evolvement of Sandbanks of the Reaches of Yangtze River near Wuhan in Ming and Qing Dynasties ; Characteristics Analysis of Water-sediment Load in the Jingjiang Jianli River Reach of Changjiang River Middle Reach

  24. 周六营救人员在被扶正的东方之星号轮船的船壳里展开营救工作。事发地段位于中国中部湖北省长江监利段。

    Rescuers work in the hull of the upright ship Eastern Star to launch rescue work in the section of Jianli on the Yangtze River , central China 's Hubei Province , on Saturday .

  25. 据官方媒体报道,三具遗体在湖北省监利县被找到,距离沉船地点有50公里,而一名导游在紧急关头抓到一件救生衣后,向下游漂流了90公里,最后被救起。

    State media reported that three bodies had been found 50km away from the wreck , in Jianli county , Hubei province , while one tour guide survived after he grabbed a life jacket and floated 90km downstream .

  26. 然后以水沙变异为入手点,结合三峡下游监利河段的实测水沙资料分析了坝下游来水来沙的特点及冲刷规律,分析归纳了大坝建成后对坝下分汊河段演变的影响。

    And then with water and sediment variation of points , the paper analyzes the scour rule and the characteristics of the coming water and sediment at the downtown streams of the Three Gorge dam according to the measured data in Jianli reach of the Three Gorges .